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Douglas DC-3 (turbine) (C-FBKB)
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Douglas DC-3 (turbine) (C-FBKB)



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I believe the generally used term is a Basler BT-67
jesse kyzer
Robert Sloane
looks strange with the "little" engines
Lowly Jimson
No. The generally used term is a "DC-3 with turbine engines."
Luca Patterson
Little but Powerful.
Jimmy Robinson
I like this picture and am intrigued by the kind of engines it has. However, it has become a victim of a mindset very often seen that says, 'crop as much space as possible.' This photo has the edges almost touching the front and rear of the aircraft. I learned in a photography class I took to learn to use black and white, after having been doing photography for several years, to leave space for the subject to 'breathe' and not crop too tight. I have been seeing very tight cropping for many years and have never said anything before but I really like the DC-3 and it pains me to see it cropped so tight. Cyycspotter, you are to be commended for a really good photograph and good panning so I don't mean to criticize your photography. I'm just voicing a concern that has been in the back of my mind for a very long time.

I've never said anything before because I'm sure this comment will receive negative votes, criticism and hateful responses, but I just had to finally speak up. If I offended anyone, well, darn. Other than the cropping, the image is a great one as many others posted. Keep up the good work, cyycspotter.
Alan Hume
No, it is not simply "a DC-3 with turbine engines". It is indeed a Basler BT-67. These aircraft admittedly are based on a DC-3 airframe, but "the conversion includes fitting the airframe with new Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-67R turboprop engines, lengthening the fuselage, strengthening the airframe, upgrading the avionics, and making modifications to the wing leading edges and wingtips." [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basler_BT-67]. A lot more than simply bolting a couple of turbines on an existing DC-3.
Patrick Wahle
Belongs to Kenn Boreck Air from Calgary. Quite popular in the Canadian northwest.
Colin Seftel
I looked up the ICAO type designation for BASLER BT-67 Turbo 67 and it is DC3T (which applies to all DC3 turbine conversions). There is no way for the contributor to specifically specify the Basler version.
Al Miller
Re cropping: I always heard that when taking photos of moving objects, be they airplanes, cars or boats you should leave the object more room in front than behind. But hey, it's basically a DC3 and you can't have too many pictures of DC3's.
DArcy Grant
@Colin Seftel, Kenn Borek Air refers to the plane as a Basler BT-67. Perhaps generally a DC3T, but specifically the conversion that came from Basler:

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01-03-2025 UnknownYellowknife ()Cerca de Wekweètì, NT 12:16PM MST Last seen 12:57PM MST 0:40
01-03-2025 UnknownInt'l de Calgary ()Yellowknife () 07:49AM MST 11:40AM MST 3:50
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