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Boeing 737 MAX 8 (EI-HEN) - Departure for London
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png Tamaño intermedio / Tamaño grande / Tamaño real

Boeing 737 MAX 8 (EI-HEN)


Departure for London


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Diana Rose
Perfect Shot! Love the heat thrust.
Pavel HonPhoto Uploader
To Diana Rose - Thank you ;-)
Awesome photo, but isn't that a 737 MAX 8-200?
Nice shot! and I agree with taseas its a 737 Max 8-200
Pavel HonPhoto Uploader
To BIGDJB and taseas : Thanks for the info, I entered B737max8 but I didn't notice that it would assign another type. Solid.
Good looking bird, even better picture, great shot!
Peter Fuller
@taseas @BIGJDB @Pavel Hon: 737-8200 has two more exit doors than 737-8, to allow legal exit limit to be increased to 200. I think that may be the only external difference between the two variants. You can see the additional door in this excellent photo, just above the trailing edge at the wing root.
¿Deseas un historial completo para EI-HEN a partir de 1998? Compra ahora. Recíbelo dentro de una hora.
Fecha Aeronave Origen Destino Salida Llegada Duración
05-02-2025 B38MBerlín-Schönefeld ()Málaga () 06:25PM CET 09:40PM CET Programado
05-02-2025 B38MMálaga ()Berlín-Schönefeld () 02:30PM CET 05:40PM CET Programado
04-02-2025 B38MBologna (Guglielmo Marconi) ()Málaga () 06:54PM CET 09:00PM CET 2:06
04-02-2025 B738Málaga ()Bologna (Guglielmo Marconi) () 03:40PM CET 06:02PM CET 2:21
04-02-2025 B38MEdimburgo ()Málaga () 09:03AM GMT 01:07PM CET 3:04
04-02-2025 B38MMálaga ()Edimburgo () 05:55AM CET 07:53AM GMT 2:58
03-02-2025 B38MNápoles-Capodichino ()Málaga () 10:49PM CET 01:05AM CET (+1) 2:15
03-02-2025 B38MMálaga ()Nápoles-Capodichino () 07:29PM CET 09:49PM CET 2:19
03-02-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Málaga () 03:47PM CET 05:52PM CET 2:05
03-02-2025 B738Birmingham Int'l ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 11:00AM GMT 01:40PM CET 1:40
03-02-2025 B738Bérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Birmingham Int'l () 09:20AM CET 10:04AM GMT 1:44
01-02-2025 UnknownValencia ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 11:10PM CET 12:46AM CET (+1) 1:36
01-02-2025 UnknownBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Valencia () 08:55PM CET 10:25PM CET 1:30
01-02-2025 B38MLamezia Terme Int'l ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 06:39PM CET 08:01PM CET 1:22
01-02-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Lamezia Terme Int'l () 04:28PM CET 05:50PM CET 1:21
01-02-2025 B38MLuxemburgo ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 02:25PM CET 03:24PM CET 0:59
01-02-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Luxemburgo () 12:35PM CET 01:32PM CET 0:57
01-02-2025 B38MInt'l de Vilna ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 10:36AM EET 11:44AM CET 2:07
01-02-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Int'l de Vilna () 06:15AM CET 09:21AM EET 2:06
31-01-2025 B38MValencia ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 11:19PM CET 12:54AM CET (+1) 1:35
31-01-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Valencia () 08:47PM CET 10:23PM CET 1:35
31-01-2025 B738Praga ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 06:20PM CET 07:33PM CET 1:12
31-01-2025 B738Bérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Praga () 04:27PM CET 05:30PM CET 1:03
31-01-2025 B38MBirmingham Int'l ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 12:49PM GMT 03:32PM CET 1:42
31-01-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Birmingham Int'l () 10:58AM CET 11:47AM GMT 1:48
31-01-2025 B38MCatania-Fontanarossa ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 08:33AM CET 10:00AM CET 1:27
31-01-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Catania-Fontanarossa () 06:03AM CET 07:34AM CET 1:31
29-01-2025 B738Londres-Stansted ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 09:40PM GMT 12:07AM CET (+1) 1:26
29-01-2025 B738Olsztyn-Mazury Airport ()Londres-Stansted () 01:41PM CET 02:46PM GMT 2:05
29-01-2025 B738Londres-Stansted ()Olsztyn-Mazury Airport () 09:51AM GMT 12:44PM CET 1:52
28-01-2025 B38MKaunas Int'l ()Londres-Stansted () 10:40PM EET 11:05PM GMT 2:24
28-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Kaunas Int'l () 05:41PM GMT 09:50PM EET 2:08
28-01-2025 B38MCastellón–Costa Azahar ()Londres-Stansted () 03:00PM CET 03:58PM GMT 1:57
28-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Castellón–Costa Azahar () 11:06AM GMT 02:03PM CET 1:56
28-01-2025 B38MColonia/Bonn ()Londres-Stansted () 08:57AM CET 08:50AM GMT 0:53
28-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Colonia/Bonn () 06:08AM GMT 07:59AM CET 0:51
27-01-2025 B38MLisboa ()Londres-Stansted () 10:41PM WET 12:55AM GMT (+1) 2:14
27-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Lisboa () 07:03PM GMT 09:30PM WET 2:26
27-01-2025 B38MTarbes-Lourdes Pyrenees ()Londres-Stansted () 05:17PM CET 05:45PM GMT 1:28
27-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Tarbes-Lourdes Pyrenees () 01:20PM GMT 04:01PM CET 1:41
25-01-2025 B38MAgadir - Al Massira ()Londres-Stansted () 09:27PM +01 11:52PM GMT 3:24
25-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Agadir - Al Massira () 03:55PM GMT 08:23PM +01 3:27
25-01-2025 B38MSalzburgo ()Londres-Stansted () 01:50PM CET 02:24PM GMT 1:33
25-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Salzburgo () 09:58AM GMT 12:27PM CET 1:28
25-01-2025 B38MCork ()Londres-Stansted () 07:59AM GMT 08:59AM GMT 1:00
25-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Cork () 06:07AM GMT 07:11AM GMT 1:04
24-01-2025 B38MBérgamo-Orio al Serio ()Londres-Stansted () 11:03PM CET 11:44PM GMT 1:40
24-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Bérgamo-Orio al Serio () 07:37PM GMT 10:02PM CET 1:25
24-01-2025 B38MLeipzig/Halle ()Londres-Stansted () 05:56PM CET 06:26PM GMT 1:30
24-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Leipzig/Halle () 02:47PM GMT 04:56PM CET 1:09
24-01-2025 B38MRovaniemi ()Londres-Stansted () 12:24PM EET 01:35PM GMT 3:11
24-01-2025 B38MLondres-Stansted ()Rovaniemi () 06:28AM GMT 11:12AM EET 2:43
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