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Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N93012) - 909 appearance at Wings of Freedom event 2018 at KCMA

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress (N93012)


909 appearance at Wings of Freedom event 2018 at KCMA


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Chris Partin
Cool! Five Stars! Maybe We Can Be Friends On FA And Forget About The Argument?
a mentorPhoto Uploader
of course; I get pedantic on such passions as aviation; sorry :-)
a mentorPhoto Uploader
On the morning of October 2, 2019, N93012 crashed at Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Connecticut, while attempting to return shortly after takeoff.

The aircraft came in low, touched down 1,000 feet (300 m) short of the runway, clipped the instrument landing system (ILS) antenna array, veered to the right off the runway across a grassy area and taxiway, then crashed into a de-icing facility at 09:54; the aircraft then burst into flames
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