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Airbus launches 97 tonne A321neo with transatlantic range

Airbus today officially launched the A321neo single aisle airliner with 97 tonnes Maximum Take Off Weight (MTOW). ( Más...

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WtfWtf 7
Trans Atlantic on a single isle is torture. They need more lavs and places to stand up to stretch out. Anything more than 6 hrs should be a wide body.
s2v8377 4
Why do you want more room and bathrooms? All those extra seats with less legroom are much better ;) !!!
jcazalot 2
Your move, Boeing.
How about a B787-500 for shorter transatlantic hops that the B757 worked upon? You have a similar twinjet but not 3x3 cabins!

I recalled McDonnell Douglas built multiple versions of the DC-10 for all kinds of routes from -10,-15, -30 and -40 depending upon operations.
jcazalot 2
I think if they do anything at all it'll be a stetched -900ER with new engines or a relaunch of the 757. Wouldn't expect a clean-sheet or widebody like the 787. something has got to give or Boeing will lose hold of this market segment.
OK,I see Airbus creating A322 model based upon B787 specs but ultra modern and efficient. But as a contributor already stated, the narrow body over Atlantic days are nearing the end of days.

I submit again, a special edition B787 or give Airbus freedom to develop A360!

canuck44 2
The 757-200 with winglets will get 4100 nm. Airbus is correct that this is the only aircraft in production single aisle with that range...when it actually flies.

Boeing needs to resurrect the 757 program with redesigned wings and new engines.
100% agree. Boeing says the 737-900 is a 757 replacement. Having worked cargo with an airline that uses both -900s and 757s I don't think that is true at least where cargo capacity is concerned with a full load of pax. Rarely does an ALA have to no-ride cargo at a gate for a 757. -900s have no-ride leftovers all the time.
preacher1 2
Range and looks have to get in there as well.
preacher1 1
s2v8377 3
The 737-900ER and the new version of the A321NEO will never be able to match the range and capacity of the 757.

I think this is a good move on Airbus' part, as I also sadly doubt Boeing will ever bring back the 757.

The A321 is a better design to replace the 757 unfortunately then the 737-900ER will ever be.
preacher1 2
Not in the looks dept
canuck44 0
LOL, Wayne...the looks inside a single aisle are pretty much all the same as any other single aisle. Wing walking is no longer permitted.
preacher1 3
I know and agree on the view of the inside but you just have a feel taxiing around the airport that you are driving something classy, and then when you do get outside and stack her up against others, including Boeings, she has no equal.


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