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The AA Strollergate Incident Decoded: Why it Should Never Have Happened

Why did this Flight Attendant think it his responsibility to grab a stroller from one passenger and then start arguing with another? This whole sorry scenario could have been avoided if simple customer service principles had been adhered to. ( Más...

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matt jensen 4
"The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) does not grant FA’s the power to manhandle customers when there is no imminent threat or danger to the aircraft, passengers or crew."
Highflyer1950 2
That is correct Matt. However you have to wonder what precipitated this event for it to go so wrong so fast. Personal observations for me at least, having heard gate or board agents say yes just go to the airplane and they will take care of it prior to getting on the aircraft.......translates into "I'll just take it right on board and say the other agent said it was ok" then when apparently here, the f/a dosen't catch the issue until the passenger has already passed the first few rows and now has to go and get her, her baby and the stroller, explain why she can't take it in on board, she cries, the baby gets upset, the f/a takes the stroller from her because she is now holding up the boarding process, she won't let go of the stroller and the whole thing spirals out of control. Meathead a few rows down butts in and threatens the f/a who now has to divert attention away from the crying passenger. There seems to be a lot of self entitlement going around these days where the rules only apply to everyone else! The Captain could have gotten involved although generally he lets the board agents and f/a' work it out. The last thing I would want is some nut bar taking a cheap shot at me and maybe injuring an eye, hand etc. My career is worth way more than some jerk in 4F! If everyone just took a minute and stood back .....hey it's just a stroller. Seen this scenario too many times over 4 decades, however, this f/a got way out if control.
C Anderson 3
Just seven of your many words define this entire incident most clearly: "... this F/A got way out of Control."

deafsea 2
That 4F guy should not involve with them. However, he could have report to another F/A what he saw. That would be less drama.
C Anderson 2
The entire incident was promulgated by an FA who was clearly "way out of control." Maybe he was having a bad day or his dog died or he is just an insufferable jerk ... we have no idea what led to his aberrant behavior. But everyone I know would go to the aid and active defense of the crying woman who, with two small children in her arms, had just been assaulted. The gentleman from 4F demonstrated remarkable restraint.


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