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Shooting reported at Fort Lauderdale airport

Shots have been fired inside the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International airport, according to multiple twitter users including ex-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer. ( Más...

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matt jensen 6
Sort of a cf - feebs are told by himself that he was radicalized. They send him for a psych eval which he voluntarily signs in/out. But they don't put him on the no fly list? They put kids on the list, because their names are similar.
That is the thing. Working in healthcare for as many years as I have....the entire "citizen safety" system is broken and FUBAR. For instance, not paying child support in many states is a felony (no court date needed or being present in court for a conviction)...then a hunter gets a deer and now it is a class 2 felony (felon in possession of a firearm). If you self check in for bereavement counseling (not uncommon), you are in some states (there is one)where you need "FOID" card - and due to your grieving what ever loss - you are never allowed to own a gun again (and must turn in the ones you have, but it is illegal for you to hold it to turn it in). From there, people who have a name that sounds like John Jackob Hinckle Heimer Schmitt...and he cant fly anywhere, for any reason....but this guy who was begging for help did not get it. The end result was written in stone - just happened that it took place at an airport as opposed to a bus station or train station....
Cade foster 6
How about funding MENTAL HEALTH research and care. For decades out totally inept politicians have cut their budget to the bones to fund their useless pet projects. Americans pour billions into breast cancer research but not even 1% of that into metal health research. See what ignoring a severe health issues gets us. Suicide rates surpassed death by car accidents, over 40 thousand people kill themselves. That does not even take into account all the mass killings do to untreated mental illness. Thousands of thousands of mental ill on the streets because our enemy politicians closed most of the mental hospitals. Term limits so we can get rid of every politician. Or just keep your head in the sand and gasp at these news stories as they become more frequent.
In most states, the #1 place for "treatment" of mental health issues....Jail. Also, the #1 place for corruption and lawlessness (on the side of the Govt.'s who run them, the police that run them and the criminals that are the "Justice System").

A hospital I worked at, we as the police to NOT bring "in custody prisoners", not because the prisoners were an issue...the cops were disrespectful kleptomaniacs and most often wanted dates with the staff.
James Simms 3
Living in a city where the state Mental Health & secure Mental Health facilities are located I'm aware of it every day. It's not uncommon to see people who probably should be there but aren't, out in the city population. Wyatt v. Stickney (started in the 70's) eventually reduced the population from 5,200 to around 250 today. The state university bought the old mental health grounds for expansion & helped fund a brand new facility nearby. The catch is there are relatively very few patients @ the new facility as funding & civil liberty groups won't allow the housing (for lack if a better word) of new patients.
Better info here:
russellletcher 3
Broward county sheriff has upgraded this to a "terror attack". Esteban Santiago, had a military ID on his person, scene is still active. Airport will not open for several hours. (sources- ATC, CNN, AP, Broward County sheriffs office)
matt jensen 3
Airport won't open before tomorrow. There's a couple hundred people waiting to go thru I&C.
russellletcher 3
Aircraft are slowly being given gates to return to. planes will not be allowed back until everyone evacuates the taxiway and tarmac.
dbkoob 3
as of today terminal 1,3 and 4 are open all terminal 2 airlines running out of terminal 3 with check in upstairs in terminal 2 (FLL website)
matt jensen 4
ooo the gov is on his way - to what end - hold a press conference?
matt jensen 2
Shooter id'd as Esteban Santiago, 26yo - in custody
Shooting occured in baggage claim area
Five dead, eight wounded
Airport closed to all traffic
Major problem - pax walking on taxi/runways and across Amtrak tracks. Clearing all terminals while still looking for possible second shooter. Not a wise decision.
Broward sheriff now searching parking garage for possible second shooter
I don't know why they didn't close the airport to flights immediately. Not second guessing anyone, but it seems like the problem grows when you add more people to the mix. Plenty of choices of places to divert aircraft.
Highflyer1950 2
And what do you do with them at the other airports which are unable to handle the extra gate capacity........keep them on the airplane until someone opens an exit, pandemonium!
matt jensen 1
I'd rather have them on the jets, in a secured apron, rather than milling about on a runway!
Highflyer1950 2
In a perfect world I would agree, but sitting in an aircraft and waiting in this day and age, some nut bar would go berserk, deploy the chutes and the people would still be running around the ramp. And the airport staff are the ones that let them out there in the first place and I can't say as I'd blame for your life.
aidannorman 1
"Shooter id'd as Esteban Santiago" According to the Wall Street Jornal, it has not been confirmed if the ID card he was bearing was legitimate or not, if it was a fake then his identity is not Esteban Santiago.
aidannorman 1
Update for my previous comment, it seems like the authorities have confirmed the ID to be legitimate.
dbkoob 2
broward county comfirmed multiple people dead. One suspect in custody. 13 hurt. FBI on scene. Governer rick scoot on way. MIA PBI on time
While this is tragic. I can only imagine how many of the idiots at TSA are watching "Police Academy" and going to act even more like Lt. Harris when the place reopens....SMH...
james iveson 1
The same type of morons like the ones who don't want tougher gun laws in USA! Yes, God bless those poor soles and my heart goes out to their relatives and loved ones.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
As a foreigner I think the need is of effective Regulation not of stricter law !
And that is something for the executive to act upon not for the law makers to ponder on !
No one is going to disagree with you. The issue the US has with gun crime currently is not at all like many Euro/Islam nations. They fear primarily Islam and or "god" based mass attacks. In the US our main issue is "black men between 15-99", but that makes one racist.

So, as a nation we will will continue to fight yesterdays battle - and try to pretend that profiling does not work, is wrong, and needs to top...and county the bodies in Chicago.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
As I understand currently there are no proper back-ground checks.
And emphasis is being laid on this I guess.

But, background checks (on top of being questionable Constitutionally)do nothing. Those who want a gun who "should not have" a gun will simply steal one, have their wife buy one or lie on the background check. Those checks protect no one from anything. I could be just as lethal with a scissors or a can of gasoline (ala Oklahoma City). Simply, the issue is not so much as humans behaving humanly (we are after all simply mammals) More so, it is the 24 hour news cycling and many people wanting their 15 minutes of fame.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
The debate can be endless. Ages ago during "non terrorism" days, a pen knife in my hand bag was objected to but not a screw driver with 8" or 10" longrod. When I asked the security guy he replied , Sir in my list knife is prohibited but there is no mention of a screw driver.
So does it prove any thing? I guess no.
Circumventing law happens every where in every area, but that does not mean to be indifferent towards strict implementation.
I rest my case here.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
A supplementary to ur 'questionable constitutionally'
Under any Constitution or Law, no liberty or freedom or prohibition or restriction can be absolute or total, what ever be the nation.
Every where U will find riders, provisos, caveats, conditions etc.
Same is applicable to freedom to own a gun and the gun control.
Regulation of gun ownership in no way means 'not to own a gun' and hence is no threat to the gun lobby to worry about.
Illegal sale of guns happens all over the world irrespective of the local laws.
My half cent.
Thomas Clark 1
God bless the poor folks that were killed at the baggage claim in Orlando!
What moron gave this guy his pistol back in Alaska or what moron sold him the pistol in the first place! Are we out of control or what???
Dee Lowry 1
Never have I have seen such a chaotic, unorganized Evac! Really...on the tarmac, the taxi and runway. People were running in a supposedly off limit for passengers.
There has to be an "Evac" from a terminal in place. Not around Commercial Aircaft. Obviously, there was no "Evac" training to move people to a safe an empty hanger! The people didn't no where to go. They were running everywhere. Have an "Evac" in place for this situation. We need more security...even in Baggage Claim. VERY VALUABLE. PUT SECURITY in baggage clam! It's too vulnerable...
Easy to penetrate. This incident will again put every airport on "High Alert
james iveson 0
When is USA going to wake up and tighten your gun laws. Australia did it back in the 90s and we are substantially better off and yes we have mentally disturbed people too but they do not have free access to any type of gun they want. The problem appears your gun lobby groups are stronger than your government and that is a disturbing fact. Your first amendment should be made redundant and/or modified significantly because it's not working!
sparkie624 2
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
Gun laws are 'created' according to social ethos prevailing in a particular jurisdiction.
Important is how regulation is done.
No prohibition or permission can be absolute, what ever be the constitutional provisions.
There are always inbuilt riders and caveats.
My half cent.
The problem is, MORE people need guns. That is OUR RIGHT. USA was not built FOR criminals (yet we have a bunch these days). We have a right to bear arms - this right is to protect ourselves first from our Government, second from criminals...It IS working, what is not working is the fact that more people need to fear "return fire". Odd for Florida as we have such open laws pertaining to guns (as opposed to Illinois/Chicago). Other pesky rights that WE have that YOU dont is a Freedom of Speech (not explicitly)
dbkoob 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Shooting at terminal 2 a FLL fort lauderdale airport update

There is an ongoing incident in Terminal 2, Baggage Claim

Passengers are being brought to storage facility on fuel tender road
russellletcher 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Fort Lauderdale shooting has been upgraded to terror attack

Broward county sheriff has upgraded this to a "terror attack". Esteban Santiago, had a military ID on his person, scene is still active. Airport will not open for several hours due to the need for security re-screening. Hundreds of people ran onto the active runways and taxiways. (sources- ATC, CNN, AP, Broward County sheriffs office)
Aircraft19 0
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Fatal Shooting at Fort Lauderdale Int’l Airport

A fatal shooting at Fort Lauderdale Int'l Airport in the Terminal 2 baggage collection area has left 3 people dead and several others injured. Passengers and airport workers were seen spilling out onto the tarmac in an evacuation of the terminal.
dbkoob 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Shooting at terminal 2 at FLL fort lauderdale airport update

Broward county police tweets one suspect in custody atleast 5 dead 13 injured. Searching west parking garage for another shooter (unconfirmed). PBI and MIA are on time. If you need a flight out please call these airports PBI Website for reservations MIA Phone Number (305) 876-7000
sparkie624 -1
I don't care what anyone says... I do not buy the guys story that he was pushed into it by watching Video's... That is just like saying that someone is pushed into MURDER by playing First Person Shooter Games. They guy should have been taken out back, used his own gun and put him into the ground. Now the Government is going to spend a ton of money on him trying to figure out why and we all know that already. Then he is going to get the Death Sentence, but some liberal is going to have it commuted to life again costing the US Taxpayer money.
" I do not buy the guys story that he was pushed into it by watching Video's" - thank you for confirming what we already knew. The man is mentally ill...BUT, in this instance HE WENT TO THE FBI....HE TURNED HIMSELF IN...HE ASKED FOR HELP...Not only did they take his gun, the gave it back! So, please tell me (us) what is was that WE did wrong in this instance.

This is not like some cartoon mouse telling Pinky that he was going to "Take over the world"
sparkie624 1
It is more like, what did we not do wrong?
Yes, everything was done wrong. Working in healthcare I know how broken the system is. Some people are driven to the point...say "I want to die" and they pat you on the head, maybe hold you for maybe 72 hours (where you will not be seen by a psychologist or psychiatrist). The ONLY want to get real help is - and yes, I will say it...commit a criminal act. Then you get arrested (look up mental health Cook County Jail), you have charges, fines, jail and still...NO HELP.

This guy did everything right - right until he was in the airport. I have seen many people go to extremes in life for various reasons. While I hate to see anyone be a victim of the mentally this instance, with the information we have...seems we let him down, and then as a matter of course we let down the security of our nation and airports.
dbkoob 0
worst part is im flying into this exact building in may on this exact day. Worried bout copycat attacks
Not really, in essence, you can call "Any" attack a copy cat attack these days. Last original bandits were WTC, but they "copied" WWII Jap drivers (wont call them pilots).
russellletcher 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

KFLL shooter in custody, event has been upgraded

Hundreds of people have fled onto the runway after a shooting by a person in the baggage claim area. At least 8 people injured, 5 dead. Shooter had military ID on his person. Police searching parking garage amid reports of a second gunfire event. According to the Broward county sheriffs office, this event has been upgraded to a "terror attack."
dbkoob 0
595 shut down at this time
Er.A.K. Mittal 0
The strange part of the situation is that the alleged killer was carrying a ‘declared’ weapon in accompanied baggage.
For future vigilance it’s going to be a huge problem to prevent possibility of any wrong doing using legally permitted accompanied and declared weapons.
Especially in a country like the US where manner of gun control is way different as compared many other countries.
My half cent.
james iveson -2
More people Do Not Need guns! Eradicate guns from your society and make it harder for the public to obtain one and the killings will decrease. There has not been a mass slaughter (Martin Bryant Tasmania)of people with guns in Australia since our gun repeal back in the 90s, proof. Wake up USA!
sparkie624 2
Are you kidding me... Give me a break.. Chicago with the Heaviest of Gun Control is the Murder Capital of the world... Besides... who says people need guns to commit murder... Are you going to ban knives, then Glasses so now you have nothing to drink out of as they can be weapons and the list goes on... Gun control is not about controlling guns, it is about controlling people. Japan in WWII did not want to attack the US head on because he knew almost every had guns! Look at FRANCE!.
james iveson -2
Japan did attack USA full on, remember Pearl Harbour and the brave and unfortunate men and women who died as a consequence.
Tighten your gun laws, get rid of the 2nd Amendment of your Constitution (sorry correction I said previously the 1st Amendment), bite the bullet and make it harder for Mentally deranged individuals to purchase firearms especially military and automatic weapons. You can't be serious about comparing guns to glasses and knives it's like comparing chalk to cheese. Yes look at France and unfortunately their borders are surrounded by six other countries and stuck in the EU and your lucky country is somewhat isolated and you can do something about it if you wanted. Your view might change if one of your loved ones are gunned down in a frenzied attach such as the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood international airport massacre. Finally, Yes, Australia is a Democracy, has been since settlement in 1788 and we Do have freedom of speech that is why I am writing this response.
And we melted two cities on their main island (what we did was "right", what they did was "wrong" - just ask us, we won. As for France, is there a war they ever won (with out massive outside help)? Maginot line...genius. The problem the anit-gun idiots never seem to notice is that for the most part, the US has no issue with LEGAL gun sales...and those that are illegal dont care about the laws in the first place.

I suppose that this never happened either...good thing they have gun laws....
Er.A.K. Mittal 0
Bravo , well said.
However, the victor writes the history.
sparkie624 0
I was referring to the main land...
Firearms can be manufactured in (plastic) using 3D printers. In metal, a YouTube:


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