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A-10 Thunderbolts from 124th Fighter Wing have just returned from deployment in support of Operation Inherent Resolve

they brought back one aircraft with an impressive amount of bomb markings.Maybe after all this work it will be rewarded with a new set of wings and avionics. ( Más...

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joel wiley 6
Just back from operation 'ruin their day'
canuck44 5
Pretty obvious they went there to "work" and did so. Impressive resume printed on the nose...if the rest of the squadron were in the same category they inflicted some major hurt.
During the Vietnam War there was a C-47 gunship dubbed Puff the Magic Dragon that spewed machine gun bullets out its port-side windows onto the enemy below. Were they a precursor of today's Warthog? I rode in one in Laos summer 1974, Savannakhet to Vientiane, the gun removed but its mount still there. No seats. I stood all the way. French pilot.
The C-47 gunship was the precursor to the AC-130 gunship. The A-10 Warthog was the jet age replacement for the aging, piston powered, A-1 Skyraider.

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canuck44 1
Nice satire worthy of Parkinson's Laws...satire is almost always most effective like this when there is truth beneath it.

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joel wiley 1
And you didn't even use FA's sarcasm font.

Excellent satire post!
bentwing60 0
Wow! A guy with a month on this site and "We" don't get it! Let's just say some of the older hands on this site "get it" and have for a while. If you missed Tuesdays major event, go back and read it again. The unassailable occupant of Pennsylvania Ave. for the last 7.8 years has been a constant "headwind" for anything called conservative. As have the depts. (think IRS,DOJ,FBI) and more and more "the bureaucracy. The generals are Pols. as well. So don't preach to those of us that you probably voted against or not. The A10 is well supported and will continue to be so in a different political environment. Cause we said so! It's called voting.


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