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Marine unit found metal shavings in F-35 fuel, plastic tool in wing

Metal shavings in contaminated fuel, incorrectly assembled parts, and a plastic scraper protruding from a wing fold were among the faults discovered in five new F-35C Joint Strike Fighters delivered to a U.S. Marine Corps fighter squadron in California in 2023, according to a memo obtained by Defense News. ( Más...

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matt jensen 4
Almost as bad as the KC46 tankers -
dkenna 4
Big surprise!!! That program has been flawless from the start…
Bill Overdue 1
Lack of design and engineering doesnt leave plastic scrapers and metal shaving in the product! People do that. People deliberately do that. Clearly people who have no pride in their work. This is not much different than the low IQ people who sling paint on priceless artwork.
C J -2
Just to make sure I follow this astonishing line of thought you've produced, you're saying that people throwing paint on art are conspiring with aircraft assembly line workers to leave random bits of FOD in aircraft in a massive left wing attempt to damage America? I appreciate that you bring real logic to the conversations around here. All of us silly brains would have just thought that it's poor quality control or financial pressures to hurry along work that caused these issues. Out of curiosity, can you share what medications you take? Your brain seems like a WILD place to exist and I'd love to see if I can get myself to that level of thinking. Thanks Billy Boy!
Mike MacDonald -3
Sadly, CJ your reply shows a distinct edge of insanity, further though verbose, it reveals a well below average IQ.
How many gallons of paint have you thrown?
C J 3
awww thanks, Mike. It's an adorable response on your part. Go back to sitting in a folding chair outside of your trailer. Or just go chug on your friend, Billy Boy. Kisses!
Mike MacDonald -2
Markus Rosenwald 2
F-35C? Thought the Marines fly the VSTOL Variant F-35B. At least the picture shows an B with the hump behind the cockpit and single front wheel.
SorenTwin 2
They have two fleet squadrons that fly the F-35C, one of them being VMFA 314.
Markus Rosenwald 2
Thank you for this information. Wasn’t sure but it makes sense. But the picture shows the B Variant.
Bandrunner 1
Well, if I'd been closer I'd have taken the 169,000 lbs of fuel off their hands and I wouldn't have charged them for the service, either.
Gerold Schoettle 1
High Quality in US Airplanes 😂🤣🐊
I see the produced trash since I pick au a Cessna Sovereign in 2007.
Bill Overdue -9
Absolutely horrifying! Multiple issues and apparently ZERO quality control! A $109 MILLION jet has a plastic scraper in it? Sounds like Lockheed-Martin has its fair share of DEI employees!
I’m sure it has a fair number of MAGA dog-killer nut-jobs too.
ToddBaldwin3 3
You are mighty quick to assign a root cause based on absolutely no evidence.
linbb 4
Your so called root cause for this is poor quality control on both the people building them and the quality control person who should be doing the last check before things are closed up. Have worked as a mechanic all my life and have seen lack of care from many others.
ToddBaldwin3 4
I am well aware of the QC issues, having spent a lot of time in QA/QC of military aircraft. Yes, there is a QA/QC issue here. One that is unpardonable. I question his quick conclusion that it was DEI related. That seems to be instant root cause of everything these days.
dkenna 6
According to Bill, DEI is the cause of every problem in the world. Damn DEI causing earthquakes and hurricanes. Shaking fist, Damn you DEI!!!
jeff creek 5
You nailed it.
Bill Overdue -5
NOt really, based on Boeing's "stellar failures" ... the airlines in general, and consistent lack on knowledge regarding the ATC, Id say "common sense" says its DEI related!
btweston 5
Are you sure you’re commenting on the right article?
C J 3
Don't try to make sense of what he says. All he does is rant about DEI and other boilerplate talking points that he gets off of extremist blogs. He's a moron.
jeff creek 3
You nailed that down.
linbb 2
I was wondering what planet from the sun this guy is on. One wonders if this person even knows anything about aircraft at all. Too many trolls on here commenting from there office chair it seems.Miss the days when Preachers comments were always on point and very well written.

ToddBaldwin3 3
Preacher also avoided personal attacks and showed incredible humility and manners.
jeff creek 3
You got to love when linbb calls bill a troll. The irony is thick.
Neil Ward 3


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