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Iranian Drone Attacks Force Airspace Closures, Airlines to Cancel or Divert Flights

Several Middle Eastern countries closed their airspace to flights after Iran launched a drone attack against Israel on April 13. This drone attack comes a few days after an Israeli airstrike on the Iranian embassy in Damascus killed seven officers from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Multiple airlines canceled or diverted flights flying over the region amid the worsening geopolitical environment. ( Más...

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The Earth has no future in this world.
Doomsday will come only with “ The continuation of injustice in The World “
All these Weapons , All these Billions of Dollars Spent on Wars Will not promote or bring peace to humanity and human kind .
Can you imagine If These billions of Dollars were spent on poverty, feeding hungry people all over the world and building habitat and Infrastructure?
Judgment is reserved for The One Who created us.
John Early 4
Nooge -1
WHEN you WRITE like THIS is proves that even a broken clock like TRUMP is right twice a day


Donald Trump decisively won Nevada's Republican caucuses for his third straight victory Tuesday. Trump told supporters in Las Vegas that he got votes from the poorly educated people, adding "I love the poorly educated."
Bill Overdue 3
Yes, he even loves Democrats! Try harder!
Nooge -3

Go easy on me I am devastated

Try Viagra
Scott Wiggins 5
A traitor stabbing a knife in the heart of this country. Mass immigration is National suicide.
Nooge -1
POSOTUS Inmate number P01135809, processed and released on bond on trial starting Monday

An asset of Putin A traitor stabbing a knife in the heart of this country.
Bill Overdue 0
The totality of your ignorance is mindnumbingly obtuse!

Definition of nooge
US slang
1. an irritating person who persistently nags and whines
2. to complain or whine (at) constantly
David Manley -1
Scott Wiggins 11
Makes one wonder why Obama, Biden and Kerry removed Iran from the State Departments list of nations that support terrorism. Oh, and Iran was No.1 on the list. Then they released 100B to Iran with interest. This money had been frozen since Iran stormed our embassy and held 55 hostages for a year and a half or so. Such nice people. Actually, I don't wonder why our traitors in Washington did what they did. I'm sure they all have billions in overseas accounts. Democrats make their money the old fashion way, they monetize foreign policy.
James Bell 2
There are currently four countries designated as State Sponsors of Terrorism by the US State Department: Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Syria. Iran has been on this list since 1984.This list has never had a ranking order. It has simply been listed in order of who has been added more recently. Iran was not removed.
Nooge -3
Democrats make their money the old fashion way, they monetize foreign policy.

Makes one wonder why some are unshakably certain in their delusional dishonesty

Saudi Arabia know the people who flew passenger planes in to the WTC and Pentagon

Such nice people

Jared Kushner defends his equity firm getting $2 billion from Saudis after he left White House
February 14, 2024 / 6:19 AM EST / A

New York — Jared Kushner, Donald Trump's former White House adviser and his son-in-law, defended on Tuesday his business dealings after leaving government with the Saudi crown prince who was implicated in the 2018 killing of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi.

Kushner worked on a wide range of issues and policies in the Trump administration, including Middle East peace efforts, and developed a relationship with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who has overseen social and economic reforms but also a far-reaching crackdown on dissent in the kingdom.

After Kushner left the White House, he started a private equity firm that received a reported $2 billion investment from the sovereign wealth fund controlled by Prince Mohammed
Bill Overdue 0
Pfft. What's your point? Trump wasn't going to shutdown an entire economy just because a reporter was chopped up in little pieces, especially when the Saudis told him to knock it off. Khashoggi wasn't an American citizen and it was his own fault! Live by the sword, die by the sword! LIV Golf, funded by Saudis PIF , Public Investment Fund has $976 BILLION. Your c/p's are notoriously biased to protect the mindnumbingly obtuse traitor(s) in the White House. Always copying from CNN , MSNBC news. How about some facts? Obama paid Iran $400 million for hostages, and cut loose billions more of frozen assets for Iran. If The Timid Imbecile had a spine, we wouldn't be in the situation we're in. 16+ million MORE illegals and Chuck Schumer won't even listen to Alejandro Mayorkas impeachment trial! Such an asswipe! DIMMS want to setup Trump for disaster when he gets back in Office!
Nooge -2
Rambling nonsense but you were Overdue for it

Obama served 8 years he was not rejected and won two elections by popular vote and Electoral College
He showed up for the Commander in Cheats POSOTUS inauguration

To chop your nonsense in to little pieces

Bret Baier Presses MBS On $2 Billion Saudis Gave to Jared Kushner After Leaving White House
Michael Luciano
Sep 20th, 2023, 7:28 pm

Fox News anchor Bret Baier asked Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman about a $2 billion investment the country’s sovereign wealth fund made in Jared Kushner’s firm.

Kushner, who served as a White House adviser to his father-in-law Donald Trump, was deeply involved in the administration’s Middle East policy discussions and negotiations. Six months after departing the White House, Kushner’s Affinity Partners received the hefty sum over the objections of fund managers for Saudi Arabia’s Public Investment Fund when bin Salman intervened to overrule them.

Baier asked the crown prince about the investment during a rare interview that aired on Wednesday’s Special Report.

Kushner traveled to Saudi Arabia to meet with the crown prince in October 2017. The following month, the Kushners received a $184 million loan from a Qatari-backed asset firm called Apollo Global Management. In August 2018, the Kushners reached a deal to lease 666 Fifth Avenue for 99 years to Brookfield Asset Management for $1.1 billion, which was paid up front. The Qatar Investment Authority was Brookfield’s second largest investor.
Bill Overdue 1
Obama not rejected? What are you smoking? Trump got 73,559,030 votes ... 7 MILLION more votes than Obama's 65,915,795 popular votes. And yet we're supposed to believe Biden got 14 MILLION votes than Obama? That's hilariously rigged! Your c/p posts are clear signs of ineptness and inability to conceive a valid argument or thought, so why not give it a rest.
Scott Wiggins 5
Yawn, scratch nuts, look up Joe Biden's video on youtube where he brags about his voter fraud organization that he and Obama have/had. Obama won shit. He's a fucking traitor to the United States and the western world.
Whichever side of the political fence you sit you only have to follow the money to see where the real dishonesty rests.
David Manley 7
The enemy is within and it always has a “ D” next to its name . A better question might be why are Americans voting for it (sheeple).
Nooge -5
More than half of Americans voted for the party that has a “ D” next to its name

ByeDon Won !! Obama won twice His Presidency was not rejected by America

A better question might be why are the Conned-servative Trumterd Cult Y’all Qaeda
The far-right wing cult led by your false prophet Donald Trump who religiously believe in his ultimate authority.

Your Cult 45 is known for their attack on the Capitol of the United States on January 2021 during a Constitutional session to confirm electoral votes that would officially elect Joe Biden the 46th presidency of the United States.

Most of them were really dumb undereducated white grievance hillbillies who wear red polyester hats and fly Trump flags

On March 23 2020 three years in to the TRump error the S&P 500 was 2237

Three years in to the ByeDon era the S&P 500 closed at 5,200 on Friday so it took ByeDon just a three years to double it

I guess you dont have much money invested and that is evident with alot of the Y’all Qaeda Posting Convention here today , broke crackers
Bill Overdue 1
Pfft ... most of the Capital riot was BLM thugs dressed as Trump supporters and FBI snitches, we know that now .. and most knew it then. If you gonna bullchit someone you're gonna have to try harder than that my friend! The economy, sure it only costs $1,000,000,000,000, yes 1 TRILLION DOLLARS a quarter to prop it up! Your welfare check will soon run out, then you'll have to try for disability ... better get started!
MrTommy 6
How come if I'm on the right, I'm automatically referred to as "far-right" or "radical right"?
Greg Slager 4
Don’t forget that 911 terrorists where from Saudi Arabia and trained to fly in the USA !
Scott Wiggins 12
I don't get the correlation. What I get is that Obama and company let Iran off the hook and now they are up to their old tricks. Hamas and Hezbollah are Iranian front groups. By aiding and abetting Iran, Obama supported terrorism. Oh, and in 2014 he gave the Palestinian authority a billion dollars. They fired 4000 rockets into Israel that year.
Bill Overdue 1
They've been fighting for millenia in the Middle East, that's where Armageddon will happen!

Robert Mack 8
Yes, sir it is - the Jezreel Valley - the final battle in Ezekiel 38 & 39 after the Seals are opened (false Christ, war, famine, death, martyrs, terror) followed by the Trumpet & Bowl judgements in Revelation). What is approaching now, however, is the Psalm 83 war and the prophecy about Damascus in Isaiah 17. Genesis 12:3 (love me for it or hate me for it but) I stand with Israel.
Nooge -2
Obviously you’ve not seen the pictures and interviews with people like Cindy McCain and José Andrés

Me I stand with America sending military weapons to stop a country from indiscriminately bombing apartment buildings and hospitals and murdering innocent women and children on land they want to annex

I do not support sending military weapons to enable a country indiscriminately bombing apartment buildings and hospitals and murdering innocent women and children on land they want to annex
Bill Overdue -2
Indeed it is Robert.
Or Russia, or China, remember Covid started in China, and in all probability from a Lab escape.
Scott Wiggins 6
1996 New York Times article with the headline, New Flu in Wuhan China deadly for the elderly. Sound familiar? In 2003 we had Sars, Sars 1 Corona virus. Of course Covid 19 is actually called Sars 2 Corona virus. My god, they don't even try to hide their tracks. Yes, it was released on purpose with the full consent of most western governments. The goal was to get rid of Trump and usher in massive government control, also called communism. In point of fact we have had pandemics coming from Asia about every decade since the Asian flu of the 1950s. There is no precedent for this in history. They have been busy at Wuhan.
Bill Overdue -7
Nope, as bad as The Timid Imbecile is taunting Putin over the runt dictator in Ukraine ... he'll get what he wants without using nukes. Hes already eliminated 2 generations of Ukrainian men. Of course, with the aid of US NIH, Covid was created and escaped from a lab in Wuhan. History will probably say "purposely released" for an election? But no sir, Armageddon requires "sand"! There's no sand in Russia!
Nooge -5
Yeah but Trump came up with the cure ..

"A question that probably some of you are thinking of if you’re totally into that world, which I find to be very interesting. So, supposedly we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. And I think you said that hasn’t been checked, but you’re going to test it. And then I said, supposing you brought the light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. And I think you said you’re going to test that, too. Sounds interesting, right?

"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning, because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs, so it’d be interesting to check that, so that you’re going to have to use medical doctors with, but it sounds interesting to me. So, we’ll see, but the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That’s pretty powerful."

To summarize: Trump expressed interest in studying whether it’s possible to bring ultraviolet light “inside the body … through the skin or in some other way” and whether disinfectant could be used against the virus “by injection.”
Nooge -2
Speaking of Imbeciles there is Sleepy Don and Billy O
matt jensen 1
Israel put its Doomsday jet into the air
Nooge -6
At least you know if doomsday is coming Israel will start it
You realize how obvious you are making yourself to us real Amereicans? Just keep posting your drivel about those bad "Israelis".....good entertainment!
Robert Mack 1
Matt, I have no idea how many may be acquainted with news sources from Israel, however, I would recommend Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram channel (the one which has over 527,000 subscribers). His channel is Behold Israel and within the next week or so he will have a news center called “Connect” coming online. To anyone flying or having loved ones in the region I would highly recommend subscribing to his channel for immediate updates on what is happening there. Thank you …
Nooge -4
By Ronen Bergman and Adam Goldman
Reporting from Tel Aviv
Published Nov. 30, 2023Updated Dec. 2, 2023
Israeli officials obtained Hamas’s battle plan for the Oct. 7 terrorist attack more than a year before it happened, documents, emails and interviews show. But Israeli military and intelligence officials dismissed the plan as aspirational, considering it too difficult for Hamas to carry out.
The approximately 40-page document, which the Israeli authorities code-named “Jericho Wall,” outlined, point by point, exactly the kind of devastating invasion that led to the deaths of about 1,200 people.
The translated document, which was reviewed by The New York Times, did not set a date for the attack, but described a methodical assault designed to overwhelm the fortifications around the Gaza Strip, take over Israeli cities and storm key military bases, including a division headquarters.
Hamas followed the blueprint with shocking precision. The document called for a barrage of rockets at the outset of the attack, Drones to knock ou the security cameras and automated machine guns along the border, and gunmen to pour into Israel en masse in paragliders, on motorcycles and on foot — all of which happened on Oct. 7.

Times of Israel
10 8 2023
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
The premier’s policy of treating the terror group as a partner, at the expense of Abbas and Palestinian statehood, has resulted in wounds that will take Israel years to heal from
For years, the various governments led by Benjamin Netanyahu took an approach that divided power between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank — bringing Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to his knees while making moves that propped up the Hamas terror group
matt jensen -4


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