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Heroic crew of Southwest Flight 1380 describe bond that pulled them through chaos

Only on "CBS This Morning," the heroic crew of Southwest Airlines Flight 1380 is together for their first joint interview after a midair engine explosion in April. With just one engine still working, the pilots landed safely in Philadelphia. Capt. Tammie Jo Shults, First Officer Darren Ellisor, and flight attendants Rachel Fernheimer, Seanique Mallory and Kathryn Sandoval join us in Studio 57 to discuss their harrowing journey and how a bond formed before their flight helped them pull… ( Más...

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william baker 1
I know I’m late to the party but they were just doing there job. But let’s not forget about Reeve flight 8 that lost a propeller in flight and barely made it to the ground.
jbermo 2
Just doing their job. They certainly had ample practice.

experience and professional training,as well as cool heads and quick decision making are what led to a safe landing for the aircraft,despite the sadness of the fatality..their training served them well..the cockpit crew as well as the flight attendants most certainly would have formed a bond from the tragic experience..


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