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America's Secret Airline Flies Non-Stop To Area 51

You can see Janet airplanes at several airports throughout the U.S. You can hear them on air traffic control. You can fly one in Microsoft Flight Simulator X. But you can’t buy a ticket on a Janet flight, and the people who fly on Janet flights can’t tell you, or even their families, what they do for work. It is seemingly an airline that flies to nowhere. ( Más...

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linbb 1
This has been known for years they used prop planes back then nothing new or earth shaking here at all.
matt jensen 1
Not much of a secret
joel wiley 1
And divulging the locations of the super secret bases- information otherwise only available in the LA Times, NY Times, and a few other little known publications. I noticed one map showed Nevada 375 to the NE of the place- otherwise known as the 'Extraterrestrial Highway'

mike truman 1
These jets go places you don't even know about and be glad they do. Thanks to all the men and women who take these birds to work and back each day. Carry on.


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