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Video: Maiden Embraer KC-390 flight

Video of first flight of the new Embraer KC-390 military transport and aerial refueling jet. ( Más...

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Thank you for sharing this vídeo. This airplane had been developed for sort runways take-off.
Jim Quinn 1
Thank goodness it wasn't filmed here in the U.S.--besides the helicopter, it appears that someone used an unmanned aerial vehicle (drone) for some of the video footage (GASP!).... The Feds would be all over this one! (Yeah, I know--I don't like the idea of drones near airports either especially when flown by idiots!)

ToddBaldwin3 1
My first thought was it's a miniature C-17.
matt jensen 0
ripped off from BAe146
geroldn 1
Lets see, 2 wings, a fuselage, and a tail; I see it, definitely a BAe146 rip-off.


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