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Extra fees generate $27.1 billion for airlines in 2012

The latest revenue total, collected by 53 airlines around the globe, is a 20% increase over the $22.6 billion collected by 50 carriers in 2011 ( Más...

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Jim Murray 1
I recall some decades ago boarding a NWA Boeing Stratocruiser (B-377) with 76 plush seats on the upper deck and eight more in a circular divan downstairs. Plenty of legroom and only one class. Full hot meals were served to even pass passengers like me. There were no extra fares; one price paid for all. Alas, I'd say those day are long past.
That was quite some decades ago, I remember the hot meals on Pan Am and Eastern in the early 80's, and the only recent being Air Jamaica in the early 2000's...
spatr 2
You can still have that, you would just have to pay the 2013 equivalent fare.
PhotoFinish 1
Most passengers probably prefer the choice of not paying the extra hundreds or extra thousands for the equivalent 2013 fare.

In the modern age, passengers can choice business or first class with greater service, or they can save the big bucks and use the savings to get an even better meal at a high end restaurant, or just grab a burger on the go, and put the massive difference in fares toward a retirement or college fund (or toward more vacations).

Jim Murray 1
I wait my turn to board a flight while those who pay more get ahead of me. In my carryon bag are sandwiches to go with a cup of coffee and water from the attendant. But I have been upgraded a few times to first class due to the need by the airline for my seat in coach. I travel solo. We've become more class conscious over the years, no more so than on airplanes. I've sat with very interesting people in coach, men and women, that have made flights worthwhile more often than not. The money I saved goes to further travel, or "more vacations" as you say. I go back to DC-3s and -4s have witnesses so much change.


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