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Pimp my glide: Saudi prince's £300million custom Superjumbo complete with Turkish spa, concert hall and a place to park the Rolls Royce

A Saudi prince is about to take delivery of the world's largest and most opulent private jet dubbed the 'Flying Palace', which will boast an incredible array of luxuries including its own concert hall and Turkish spa...No mention of space for camels, sheep or goats. ( Más...

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Ric Wernicke 0
If it aint' Boeing, it ain't goin'.

Frankly, I find it more practical to have camels at each end of the journey, so I don't need to pack them on board.
FlyArmy 1
I'm skeptical about some of the technology shown. The elevator that descends from the belly, and the drive-on car ramp would both be MAJOR engineering challenges. Simply adding fold-up stairs (like on a biz jet), would be major, but this seems to be a bridge too far.
SootBox 2
Hah, it's an A380, how long before a wing comes loose?

Jared Davis 1
I wonder if he used any of the foreign aid money the U.S. gives these terrorist-backing despots to pay for this.

[This poster has been suspended.]

JetMech24 2
"He" doesn't even get a dollar out of the $4.00 "at the pump" price. The majority of the money goes to oil companies and governments (local and federal). "He" only gets the market value of oil.
preacher1 4
Must be nice to have all that but I wonder how far all that excess money could go toward feeding some of the hungry people/kids in his own country.
Justin Hagemeier 3
It won't go far at all if the spirit doesn't move him to give of his wealth.
joel wiley 1
I wonder what the Zakat amounts to on the plane.
preacher1 4
You are so correct. I guess he is like a lot of folks, loving the creation and forgetting the creator. Lot's of folks get that verse messed up. It is not money that is the root of all evil, it is the LOVE of it. My sermon for the day.
Kira Andreola 0
Well said!


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