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Software bug at Alaska Airlines caused 2 tailstrikes

This is what led to the FAA issuing temporary ground holds for all Alaska Airlines flights. ( Más...

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Unfortunately, pilots seem to be taught to pull the airplane off the runway when they rotate. ROTATE means raise the attitude to a safe AOA (7.5 degrees) and wait for the airplane to lift off. No tail strike.
N710VE 1
Not these airplanes. You’re trained to pitch to the TOGA line in the HUD or if you’re the FO, pitch to the pitch attitude bar in the PFD which corresponds to the FMC generated TOGA line in the Captain’s HUD. A flaw in the FMC data will produce a flawed TOGA pitch attitude, and that was the issue here.
The TOGA line is not going to command a tail strike attitude. It is only going to command a rotate attitude of approximately 6.8 to 8.0 degrees in the 737 900 or Max9 depending on flap setting. These airplanes were over-rotated (more than 10 degrees = tail strike). Stab trim setting would affect over-rotation more than weight error.
Sounds more like incorrect input data than a bug, to be honest.
sparkie624 4
A Tail Strike in a 737... that is a Pretty Good software Glitch!
victorbravo77 4
Well, they really are low-riders.
avionik99 6
"the tailstrikes occurred largely as the result of a bug in a program sold by a Swedish firm called DynamicSource."

And I bet they will even stay with this vendor who sold them this crap software. Hopefully they will sue Dynamic for all their losses!
Gary Kendall 5
I'm the first to admit, I'm not too smart, but taking over a year to publish this article? Must be a slow news day.
Its related but it's not. The tail strikes in 2023 were due to the same weight and balance software upgrade that was bugged caused bad weight data and/or giving bad VSpeed data that caused early rotations and tail strikes.

That was 2023, and this week they tried again and failed to implement the same software, which caused the ground stop.

Bill Overdue 9
Why are "we" relying on 3rd party vendors for weight & balance calculations? Old news, but relevant information.
belzybob 17
Note the date that the article was published: "Published February 24, 2023"
linbb -2
After trying to read everything, so did the one hour deal occur yesterday as reported or not? I sometimes miss things but tried to find a current date and didnt.
btweston -2
You sometimes miss things… anyone else laugh at this?
linbb 0
Ok found the article about yesterdays deal.


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