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Boeing Won’t Even Consider Moving HQ Back to Seattle

t’s been a brutal six years for Boeing, with two fatal jet crashes kicking off a series of safety crises — and raising concerns about the quality and safety of the planes rolling off its assembly lines. As Boeing scrambles to repair its reputation, some critics and shareholders are asking: Why not move headquarters away from the shadow of Washington, D.C., and back home to its roots in Seattle? But Boeing has now made clear: We are not interested. ( Más...

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jeff slack 1
.........can you say MISTAKE?!
Bill Bailey 1
You're overlooking the main reason the Lazy B moved to start with ... TAXES !
City, County and State taxes drove them out to begin with. They got taxed out of town. The local powers that be thought they could milk that winged cow forever, they were wrong. They could have the Ceremonial Key handovers and such in Seattle, but the real signing of the paperwork where the financial matters was done, was done in Oregon where the tax rate was lower. It was that way for years. Considering the current situation in Seattle I don't see them ever moving back and for the same reason. Tax wise nothing has changed, it's only gotten worse.

The ONLY thing that will save Boeing is a complete changing of the Guard from the top down. All of the Board Members and Chief Officers need to go. New ones need to be found with no connections to the past or to McDoug or GE and they should have a basic Engineering understanding if not a Degree in some form of mechanical engineering to even be considered. Yes, you still need the bean counters, but not at the expense of an understanding of good, basic engineering. Otherwise the Death Spiral will continue.
Rob Harrison 1
Septic tank or not, Seattle is home to the real core of Boeing--engineers and machinists and mechanics. The filth that the woke government of what was not so long ago one of the nicest cities the U.S. promotes doesn't begin to compare with the filth of the deep state in Washington. Mr. Ryan had a very good suggestion, but of course the corrupt bean-counters of Boeing would have none of that. If I were Mr. Ryan, I'd sell my 10,000 shares as soon as he could, because Boeing is in a death spiral.
jeff slack 2
Politics has nothing to do with this; corp greed and out-of-touch CEOs is where you can point your finger.
Bill Overdue 1
Politics HAS EVERYTHING do do with it! In fact, EVERYTHING can be drilled down to a "room cause analysis" either "politics or sex"!
Peter Fuller 3
Keeping a shareholder proposal off an annual meeting ballot doesn’t lock the door forever on moving back to Seattle. (As we all know, sometimes Boeing doors open unexpectedly!) A new CEO and a new board chairman will be in place within a year, they may have a different view.
Boeing is no longer a company in any real sense. It’s vampire capitalism where the PR department is probably funded more than the engineering department. That kind of corporate governance requires proximity to earths worst and most corrupt people. If Boeing wants to be a company that makes serious products it has to become something more than a stock buyback scheme and invest in design and production. If what has happened at Boeing took place in a country that’s serious about capitalism like China or Vietnam, executives would be executed lol.

Bill Overdue -5
Much like the cesspool of San Francisco where businesses are leaving in droves, why would any corporation want to be associated with a city like Seattle, when it's local government and city managers allow and even encourage crack heads and heroine fiends to defecate and piss on the streets, destroying business and reputation alike. When the Mayor allows 6 city blocks to be taken over by a mob and too gutless to stop it in a timely fashion .... well, who would want their employees to live in such a human septic tank?
avionik99 -1
Why would anyone vote down on this very truthful statement? Go watch you-tube videos of camers walking through these cities. It's disgusting and its promoted by those who have been in charge for a long time now. Oakland California is a complete cesspool of a city and the A's are moving out as no ball team can be supported by a town full of druggies, thieves and ho's. Think of a city where your family would likely be safe with a great education system and these places never make that list.
Bill Overdue -4
Well, that's pretty easy to answer ... just imagine what a Biden voter would do.


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