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‘Help’ written in palm fronds assists US forces in rescuing Micronesians stranded on tiny island

The U.S. Navy and Coast Guard found and rescued three men Tuesday from a tiny atoll south of Guam, where they spent more than a week after they were left stranded. Stripes has a paywall, but they allow a certain number of free views before it kicks in. ( Más...

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James Simms 1
Also recall the same on ‘Robinson Crusoe, USN’

Rescue was made easier since the men were Micronesians, as opposed to Regular-sized Nesians.
Bill Overdue 1
All it would've taken was a big gust of wind, and no one would come to help , HELL
Noyb family 1
LOST fans….. on 4-8?
Paul Trantow 9
Anyone remember the Far Side? There's one of a pilot on the radio saying, "Wait, wait. Cancel that. I guess it says 'Helf.'"
bbabis 5
HELP in English instead of International SOS? Glad it worked out for them. Well done P-8 crew.
dee9bee 14
I remember seeing this on Gilligan's Island as a child :-)
mayeses 6
Yes! but as usual the castaways were SOL. Thanks Gilligan!
James Simms 1
Ginger & Mary Ann would have made it much more bearable
Phil Brooks 3
wow there are some Gilligan's Island Subject Matter Experts on this!
Phil Brooks 2
I thought the SAME thing!!!!
Chris B 4
Very very lucky.


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