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Intercepting the Solar Eclipse in T-38s with the USAF

In what might be the last time a T-38 is flown into an eclipse, this is the story of the planning it took to get an epic shot of the storied trainer jet. ( Más...

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N710VE 0
Guess two of them are proud atheists.
Paul Hohman 1
Saw it in person while in USAF in Akaska on the ground in June 1963. As they say in today's language, "it was Awesome". Lasted quite a long time, total eclips.
David Bristol 3
The T-38 is one of the best looking planes ever built.

bentwing60 6
This is a great article, even better pics. and the coolest use of a gaggle of J85/CJ610's I have seen in a while!

Long live the "Talon", a 'banty rooster' badass.


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