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USAF Offers Rare Glimpse of VC-25B Configurations

The US Air Force’s $3.9 billion contract with Boeing to modify two 747-8 commercial airliners into VC-25B presidential aircraft, commonly known as Air Force One, offered a rare glimpse into the aircraft configurations. ( Más...

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30west 2
No new information in this article. Hard to call it a "Rare Glimpse".

I mean, if it were a new livery or something, then yes, a rare glimpse. But, it's basically the same as we have now. Still an awesome sight, but nothing we didn't already expect.
El Kabong 3
The irony of AF1 being two non-delivered 747-8s which were destined for a Russian company is not lost on me.
pilotjag 0
thegrump 0
Irony and probability can coexist in harmony.

(oh dammit now I'm going to have that song in my head.)


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