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The Captain Jepp Challenge

Sharpen your aviation knowledge and become a safer pilot through the quarterly Captain Jepp Challenge—as a bonus, you’ll be entered in monthly drawings for $250 MyGoFlight gift cards and for the grand prize drawing for a trip for two to EAA AirVenture 2017 (two-night stay and airfare included). ( Más...

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Tim Cwik 1
You can sign in using an email address and not involve twitter at all.

James Carlson 2
I tried. I entered my email address, and it went straight to a page asking me to log in via Twitter, so I left.

I even tried going to the main "" web site, registering there with my email address (it let me do that easily), and then went back to the "Captain Jepp" page and tried to log in that way. It still insisted on Twitter.

I'm not as vigilant as I should be about privacy, but I do have a sore spot for crappy design, so I just won't go back.
James Carlson 3
No reply from AOPA yet, but responded quickly. They basically said that's just the way it is; I have to accept the terms in order to log in. There's no way for me to back out.

Just horrible.
James Carlson 3
I'd normally be interested ... but it the application wants to be able to post to Twitter and change my Twitter profile. There doesn't seem to be a way to log in with a separate ID. Eh, no, thanks.


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