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The Air-Traffic System U.S. Airlines Wish They Had

As Congress debates splitting up the Federal Aviation Administration, some see a model in Nav Canada ( Más...

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James Howard 2
My apologies to those who got the paywall. Try this link:

Here's a quote that summarizes the article: "The model is Nav Canada, the world’s second-largest air-traffic control agency, after the U.S. Canada handles a huge volume of traffic between the U.S. and both Asia and Europe. Airlines praise its advanced technology that results in shorter and smoother flights with less fuel burn."
ToddBaldwin3 1
Thank you for the link to the article. It was interesting.
Is there any source where we don't have to sign in in order to read the article?
It's basically the same debate we have been reading about, privatizing the current FAA system as is being debated in Congress. The article uses NavCanada as a model, when in fact, the current FAA system is much larger in terms of air traffic and far more complex.
linbb 1
And another thing about private operation is overseas how good does that work out? The ATC strike some years back fixed that problem here. Others have to have no strike in there union rules. Private is not always good in practice but in concept seems fine.
linbb 1
Oh its just some wag with no real knowledge of what he writes about.

ToddBaldwin3 1
Please don't post stories that are locked behind a pay wall.
emperorjimbo 1
paywall. -1


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