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Etihad posts record A380 reliability performance

Etihad Airways recorded 99.8% reliability in its first year of operating the Airbus A380-800, the best performance level of any airline to have introduced the aircraft, the carrier said April 11 after receiving the Airbus Operational Reliability Performance award. ( Más...

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Rob Palmer 1
One landed at Bangor on a Sunday 2 weeks ago for the first time, it was headed for Kennedy, and stayed only 1 hour. With March headwinds over the Atlantic, they may have been low on fuel. I would have raced out there to see it, but not enough time to get any notice. Bangor does not have stairs (to my knowledge) or second floor terminal bridge for such a guy. Everyone stayed aboard during refueling.
Jack370 -5
All joking aside, not one American based airliner has dared invest in an A380 for fear of terrorist attack. These Arab countries financed the development of the A380 and have apparently no fear of becoming a terrorist target.

This makes most Americans wonder about how much we can trust these countries in general.

This is official website showing current operators of A380's Not one American based airliner is flying them.
Alan Lapworth 1
Think it has more to do with Americans hating Airbus as they are an equal with their beloved Boeing ;)

LawrenceShaw 2
If that's so why is US airspace filled with US carrier operated Airbus equipment of nearly every other model?
Alan Lapworth 2
That is a fair point but doesn't detract form the fact that every time Airbus has an issue the Americans on here join in the anti-Airbus chant 'If it ain't Boeing it ain't going' (or words to that effect) whilst if Boeing have issues they are far more reserved. I'm British and think that both companies produce exceptional aircraft with the rivalry between them leading to better innovations.

As for the trusting countries that buy them do you include the UK (BA), Germany (DLH), Australia (QF), France (AF) etc.?

FedEx showed an interest but I believe (Cynical me) that this was just to get a better price from Boeing, although we did get some nice marketing items from it - there was a lovely wooden A380 model in one of our directors office and it did look good in FedEx colours
Jack370 -5
BTW, when the A380 was developed I never believed there would be a practical market for it because of the risk as a target for terrorists. I think most insurance companies that cover the USA based airlines still agree. It is remarkable to me that it's so high risk for a USA operator to operate and yet there is practically no fear among the middle eastern countries.
LawrenceShaw 1
I hate to even think of such a thing but were there ever a bombing of a A380 the flying public might opt to avoid such a "sticking out like a sore thumb" aircraft.
Jack370 -4
Not surprising. The A380 either works near 100% or doesn't exist. I've always found it interesting that the Middle Eastern countries did not hesitate to buy them first.
dc3orbust -4
After a whole year and they are waving the pom poms?
For 300+ million wouldn't a person expect this?
Show me figures after it reaches 50-70 years old.
djames225 0
I agree but you best bump up that price and lower the age..those things are over $400 million with a projected lifespan of less than half your lowest number.
Vivek Majumdar 1
Go United Arab Emirates!!!


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