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Opulent Air Travel Is Reaching a New Level of Lunacy with Seats On Top of the Plane

Instead of offering reliable on-time service, zero baggage fees, and decent meals, airlines seem willing to try anything else to fill seats. According to Windspeed, an aerospace engineering company, one aircraft maker plans to offer its over-the-top SkyDeck seats as an option to its clients. ( Más...

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Derek Thomas 1
Sign me up, Scottie!

bentwing60 1
I think the parasite drag might be an issue, but AB might patent it anyway.
Torsten Hoff 1
I would imagine the noise level will be quite high, it definitely wouldn't be a serene and relaxing way to experience a long-distance flight. Radiation (from the sun and cosmic rays) would also be an issue.
joel wiley 1
Might be an option for your private A380.


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