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DGCA inspectors take free rides `on duty'

May 25 2015 : The Times of India (Delhi) ...... Over the past seven months, on the pretext of carrying out inspections, these DGCA flight operations inspectors (FOIs) have been flying free of cost from Delhi (DGCA headquarters where the inspectors are based) to their home bases in Mumbai and Kolkata on Fridays and returning on Mondays. Despite a recent order from DGCA's chief flight operations inspector calling for a stop to this illegal practice, it continues unabated, said aviation… ( Más...

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Ric Wernicke 2
When Rome was just a village India had five expressions to describe nepotism, and more than that to define graft. It has been fine tuned over the millennia and is now perfected with the bureaucracy taught by the Brits over the past few centuries.

The way out is to dismantle the absolute power of the DGCA to interfere with aircraft operations, and return full control of the airplane to the Captain where it belongs.
Er.A.K. Mittal 1
" Incredible India "

Hey American friends you talk of 'free or complementary car rides ' , here is how we Indians beat you fair and square .
Some important lines from the news report are

" ... It is common knowledge in the Indian aviation industry that airlines, fearing retribution, do not file complaints against DGCA officials involved in malpractices. ... "

" ... “This inspector had business interests in Mumbai. He would very often board a particular DelhiMumbai flight every Friday and return on Monday or Tuesday ,“ said an aviation source. “Once on board, he would enter the cockpit, throw around his weight, shout and disconcert the pilots on duty. Soon the airline found that it was getting difficult to schedule any pilots to operate these particular flights. When rostered for these flights, the pilots would either flatly refuse to operate or call in sick.“ ... "

" ... The letter added that with immediate effect, no FOI was to travel on the ACMSOD system with air operators or use tickets or transport provided by them. The letter also put in place a system wherein prior permission was needed for FOIs to fly with airlines to carry out surveillance.
But sources said the letter has been entirely ignored.The director general of civil aviation, M Sathiyavathy , was not available for comment. "

How's that one up man-ship ?

preacher1 1
Don't sound like O's bunch has anything on them. LOL


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