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Breezy Celebrates 50 Years Of Flying With Mild Insanity

1964 is the year that 3 professional pilots and weekend flight instructors teamed up to spend 6 months building the first Breezy experimental aircraft. With no formal plans and constructed of simple welded aluminum tubing and a reclaimed wing, this open air homebuilt went on to leave a long lasting legacy. ( Más...

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James Driskell 2
Flying by the seat of your pants and with bugs in your teeth!
linbb 1
Saw one around that time at an airfield south of Seattle, was amazed, the pilot gets off,lifts the nose and points it down the runway. Also saw the original Bowers Flybaby that day.
Lloyd Boyette 2
Ummmm.... no.

Anson3 2
I worked with Carl Ungers son, Rob in the early days of my aviation career. Rob took me up in that Breezy from a cornfield runway near Beecher, Il and I was absolutely thrilled. Carl was a great man as is his son! What a legacy.


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