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Seaplane almost lands on whale in Alaska

Here's one whale of a close call in Alaska! A seaplane nearly landed on a humpback whale in the tiny, remote city of Angoon last week. Thomas Hamm was shooting a video of the seaplane coming in for a landing and caught the whole thing on camera. The video starts out normal, but as the plane lowers, it’s clear something is different about this approach. ( Más...

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matt jensen 1
Happens more often than reported
John Gerken 1
Is that considered FOD? Nice move adding power to get the extra 25-50 feet needed to clear the whale.

Torsten Hoff 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Seaplane almost lands on whale

(CNN) -- Wise men say to look before you leap. In Alaska, it's advisable to look before you land. That's because, in Alaska, where seaplanes are common, you just might land on a whale.
sparkie624 1
Also, on CNN... Good eye on the side of the pilot.


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