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Airbus A350 flight test - review, photos

Airbus took 150 aviation journalists on the first public passenger flight of the A350 - here's an 'inside story' report packed with photos. ( Más...

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KauaiGolfer 1
They allow fighters to do practice intercepts on airliners? Not a fan of that at all.
BrianL 1
Just came across this:
Airbus loses order for 70 of its troubled A350
BrianL 2
Some of those pics belong here
Tim Swift 3
Gorgeous looking plane.

jeff slack 4
A little disappointing when you look at the interior shots and see that passengers shoulders are nearly touching across the aisle...............?

Beautiful aircraft; "competition is the essence of business"... to that end we are very lucky to have Boeing and Airbus producing such fine products.
josh homer 2
The A350 is a truly BEAUTIFUL airplane. Looks like a Boeing, instead of the typical dumpy looking designs that they've produced in the past. Can't wait to see them in the air.


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