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Video: AWACS Aerial Refueling over Afghanistan, March 2014

A U.S. Air force KC-135 Stratotanker from the 340th Air Refueling Squadron, Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, refuels a NATO E-3 AWACS over northern Afghanistan Mar. 4, 2014, supporting Operation Enduring Freedom. The crew of the Stratotanker provided fuel for coalition aircraft during their more than seven hour combat sortie, off-loading over 70,000 lbs. of fuel. ( Más...

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Ray Zimmermann 1
Heck, the E-3 AWAC became operational in 1977 - - 20 years AFTER that KC-135 tanker went into service. Interestingly, they did produce and Boeing 767 with the AWACS package for Japan.

Chris B 2
Isn't it time to replace the 707 as the basis for AWACS?


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