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El Al Pilot Makes Special Move for Cancer Patient

An El Al Airlines pilot made an extraordinary gesture toward an 11-year-old girl who had been removed from a flight from Israel to New York City after she lost her passport... ( Más...

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mastercfi 1
Way to go, El Al!
tesluk 1
It is so nice to read good news for a change. Everyone on that flight thought with their hearts!
17dec1903 1
It's good to see some positive news about airlines for a change. Not everyone who flies is an ogre trying to part you with your money and patience. Considering the heightened security surrounding boarding an El Al flight, allowing the girl back on the plane must have been a tremendous undertaking. Well done El Al!
17dec1903 0
It's good to see some positive news about airlines for a change. Not everyone who flies is an ogre trying to part you with your money and patience. Considering the heightened security surrounding boarding an El Al flight, allowing the girl back on the plane must have been a tremendous undertaking.

Well done El Al!
Chas DeVine 1
Fine job. kudos all around.
So beautiful story ! Thanks to te pilot, thanks to El AL Israel Airline, thanks to all his staff! She was a little girl ! We have to do the best for children all over the World !
I think that a lot of Airlines pilots are able to have this attitude in such circumstance !

Andre Perez 1
Another feather in the pilot community's cap.
Well done Captain, and congrats to all concerned.
Enjoy your stay and speedy recovery Imbar.
CosmosKidd 1
Bravo Zulu El AL !
Cary Alburn 1
Cary Alburn 1
Pete Haines 1
Wow... that's the best 'groundsmanship' I've heard of for a long time... well done, to the aircrew, cabin crew, groundies & El Al... :-D
Bernie20910 1
Typical Yahoo reporting. The name of the organization sponsoring the camp is right there in the photo accompanying the story, but they still couldn't spell it right... twice!

It's Chai Lifeline, not Lifetime and not Lifelime.

Kudos to the folks at El Al though, for doing The Right Thing.
Steve Shaw 1
Bravo El Al. Well done.
shane mcmahon 3
If a Pilot did something like this on a Ryanair flight he'd be sacked
Well done El Al, Captain, Crew and other passengers.
gftt 1
Good job !!!
Jeff Lewis 3
"Only a Jewish soul" Paul? Anyone with a little compassion would have done the same, I'm sure.
Chris Donawho 3
Good stuff. Got my left eye going. Then, at the time I read it anyways, there was a video of a 5yr old cancer patient in Cleveland, suited up at the tailback position for the Browns. He ran the last practice play of the evening and scored a touchdown in front of 20,000 fans... That one got the other eye leaking.

[This comment has been downvoted. Show anyway.]

AWAAlum 5
What's wrong with you!
runway18escanaba 1
Apparently alot
Robert Lewis 1
I just got something in both my eyes
Bill Christmann 2
Applaud to the pilot and EL AL!! Well done.
Christian Fardel 10
The pilot returned , but everybody approved and agreed ( ground staff , supervisors, and so on).
Beautiful example of solidarity
bthiago 1
Can`t agree more.
mark tufts 8
thank you pilot as you made a girls dream come true
Bryan Eckstrom 2
This is great news !! 10x thumbs up !
Andriy Tsyupka 2
Love these stories!!
Ric Wernicke 5
The pilot did what was right. Everybody loves kids, and anything to help a child should trump any rules that might stand in the way.

Why are we still carting booklets around with rubber stamps in them? Banking long ago moved to a thin plastic card for transactions. Passports should be reduced to an NFC device that could be scanned as passengers entered the jetway.
canuck44 1
Because ID microchips are reserved for dogs. Point well taken providing access to private information is restricted on those magic computers...Medical Records privacy already lost by the EMR scam.
joel wiley 23
The only objection I have is that I cannot give multiple thumbs-up. Thanks, poster.

[This poster has been suspended.]

canuck44 4
In reality it probably happens all the time, but doesn't hit the media. You will notice that most of the ATP/Commercial guys and gals on this forum have both feet on the ground and will do the right thing when such situations present. What we don't see here are a lot of bean counters or Third Spacers who would present a much different attitude.
Paul Bishop 5
Sometimes you have to bash the bean counters over the head and knock them unconscious long enough to do the right thing. It probably cost several thousand in fuel to return to the gate, but everyone on that plane has a priceless memory and a story to share that will uplift most who hear it.


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