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Delta passengers held on tarmac at Midway for medical issue

A Minnesota woman who caused a health scare aboard a Delta Airlines flight from Detroit -- causing the plane to be kept on the tarmac at Midway Airport for three hours -- says it was all a misunderstanding over bug bites. ( Más...

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Falconus 1
Could be worse. She could have actually had monkeypox.
Matthew Justice 0
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Delta Flight Quarantined after Monkey Pox Scare

A rash caused a two-hour quarantine of a Delta plane in Chicago, officials now say it may be a rash caused by bed bugs, not the monkeypox virus health officials feared.

rafael belanger 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Flight Quarantined at Chicago Midway

A Delta flight from Detroit is under quarantine at Chicago’s Midway Airport after reports of an ill passenger
BGgym89 0
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Quarantined plane cleared at Midway Airport

(CHICAGO) (WLS) -- Delta Airlines tells ABC News that Flight 3163 from Detroit has been cleared at Midway Airport. The plane was in quarantine for about two hours on Thursday on a runway
Cole Goldberg 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Bomb Scare, Monkey Pox Quarantine at Two Midwest Airports

"Passengers aboard a Chicago-bound flight from Detroit were reportedly kept from disembarking for three hours because a female passenger was suspected to have monkeypox" ("Mom's monkeypox mix-up caused by bedbugs and concerned grandma, son says").


"Officials say a suspicious bag that prompted a brief evacuation of a Minneapolis airport terminal had two capped PVC pipes and several wires inside that the owner says were for water filtration. The Humphrey terminal was cleared of several hundred people around 5:30 this morning. Airport spokesman says there is no reason to doubt the man's story. He was released and won't be criminally charged" ("Bomb Scare Leads To Evacuation At MSP").


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