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Trump's plane clips another jet's wings after late-night landing at PBIA; FAA investigates

WEST PALM BEACH — The FAA is investigating an incident in which former President Donald Trump's private plane clipped another jet after landing at Palm Beach International Airport early Sunday, May 12. The Boeing 757 landed safely at the airport at about 1:20 a.m. While taxiing, its winglet made contact "with a parked and unoccupied corporate jet," the statement from the Federal Aviation Administration said ( Más...

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fred wyse 6
2 jobs I would never take. President of the US and Air Traffic Controller. Talk about thankless jobs.
sparkie624 2
That much is certain... I would not want either.. Both are real Pressure Cooker Jobs as well.
rbt schaffer 16
Get ready for 4-5 years of litigation...
Stephen Holmes 27
Stormy weather?
siriusloon 55
"I don't know that plane. I've never met that plane. It's not my type anyway."
“You were very good to me, but I’ve been very good to you. I’ve been very good to you. We’ve been good to each other.”

Make PBI great again!
21voyageur 0
Well that is what you get when you buy a second hand aircraft - troubles!

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siriusloon 5
The word is "hear". Work on your language skills if you have anything to say. Oh wait, the fact that you're nearly illiterate means you have nothing to say.

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cparks 4
Ever been to Atlantic-PBI during slow times? I’m guessing a real lack of ramp help.
fred wyse 7
i apologize for my foolish comment. this is actually a very serious matter. separation of aircraft is the first principle of safety. i wont write silly replies again. sincerely.
ajagostini 5
You are absolutely right about safety being of utmost concern, but, even when with experienced crew, perfection is the ever elusive goal. As a result, we are lucky that minor incidents like this are much more common than catastrophic events. Don't be so hard on yourself, Fred. It was very SNL inspired and I could almost hear DT's voice as i read it.
fred wyse 23
No collision! No collision! It was a perfect meeting. Both sides got something out of it.
Marcelo Fuentes 5
lynx318 1
It was just an aero-handshake
Clinton Andrews 3
Because the overpowered 757-200w has those gigantic Rolls Royce RB-211-535s under its wing, people forget how high off the ground the fuselage and the flight deck really is. Also, that plane has a 135' wing span(!) It's all to easy to have 'sharp elbows' on a crowded tarmac. I feel sorry for their boss's lawyers and pilots. It ain't easy flying the 'the demanding Don.'
Roger Curtiss 2
I am waiting for the claim that this is fake news.
lynx318 1
lynx318 2
Another excuse for trump to ply his favourite hobby ....firing someone
siriusloon 6
Remember when he wanted to make his pilot the head of the FAA? Maybe he should have been put on the NTSB.

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sparkie624 2
I really hate to see this... It is a nice looking plane... Looks like it hit a CRJ200. This was at a Non-Controlled Field. I was looking for more detailed images, but I do not see any at this time. I am sure they will show up soon!
Bayouflier 11
This is an old photo but it was taken at PBI from Perimeter Rd. across the Atlantic Aviation ramp towards the northwest. You can clearly see the Gulfstream hangar in the left background and the NetJets hangar in the right background. The XO Jet CRJ parks there every night after doing a turn to NY, but there's no info stating that it was the damaged aircraft.
dba74m 14
That's an old photo, also PBI is not an uncontrolled field.

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C J 6
ClickBAIT (I'm sure you just have other "bate" words on the brain as you surf the interwebs) would imply that the event didn't happen. It pretty clearly did occur. Stomping your feet and screaming that life isn't fair isn't going to change reality.
Absolutely! I wasn't going to respond until I read the picture caption which had NOTHING to do with the alleged purpose of this story. If you notice, they REMOVED my response and the original story about Memorial Day air traffic. My comments were Memorial Day is NOT a fun and vacation day. Its a very somber day to remember those who died for this country or perhaps, the country we once had! (Watch them remove this one as well.)
EMK69 3
We are quickly becoming the minority, even when the country is attacked <One Percent, signed up to fight those who killed thousands. At least your comment didn't stay in the negative category. Semper Fi.
siriusloon 3
It's called a file photo. Only a fool would believe it was of the incident. Fock Snooze and NewsMin use file photos and video all the time. Typical MAGAt media. It's so funny how people like you get your knickers in a twist so easily. You can dish it out, but you sure as hell can't take it. Just like your Orange Jesus.
And the word is "clickbait". Stop thinking about onanism so much. Your Freud is slipping.

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C J 2
Nooge -3
I love the undereducated : DJT Inmate number P01135809, processed and released on bond.
M.F. LaBoo 1
Awaiting the results of the drug test. Boss is counting his Adderall as I write this.
Bayouflier 1
So much for the av squawks.
C J 8
Two airplanes made contact on a ramp. Seems like an aviation topic, no?
dba74m 1
As a practical matter, I'm wondering how he's been traveling around since this happened, assuming the 757 is grounded.
Brian Freeman -1
Wonder how they'll manage to criminally indict Trump for this...Somebody get Alvin Bragg on the phone!
btweston 2
sparkie624 -1
LOL... They will probably find some way, even if it is a new Law that they just made up!
Nooge 0
Made up ? like Alitos excuse for an upside down flag ?
Nooge -3
Somebody get the address for Freeman to call and donate monthly without permission to pay for the Commander in Cheat aka inmate number P01135809, processed and released on bond travels to Trial and to Marred a Lardo
MrTommy 1
Of course this gets "political". Everything these days is political.
N107Sugar 0
Wait! What happened to him hiring only the best?
Michael Diamond -8
I'm just here to see how Trump's followers plan on blaming Biden for this one lol. TDS is nothing compared to the minute-by-minute BDS sufferers
Bill Overdue 2
WTF are you smoking? Comparing a clipped winglet to allowing 16,000,000 illegal aliens to walk into this country? Or trading a hashish smoking trans basketball player for the biggest arms dealer in the World, beside the USA of course, or a man literally to dense to impeach, yet still has nuclear codes? Try harder...
John Taylor 0
I'm just here to see how many of you anti-Trumpers came to make snide remarks about him.
Nooge -1
TRUMP 20 24

Years in prison
21voyageur 0
Ground crew known as rabid Democrats! ;-{)
Bill Overdue -3
It'll likely be traced backed to ATC allowing movement when the taxiway wasn't completely clear. And it doesn't matter if the plane was idle and unoccupied... it may have been parked in the wrong location! We'll see.
John Feiler 5
From the article:
The incident took place on a part of the PBIA campus in suburban West Palm Beach "where the FAA does not direct aircraft," the FAA said.
C J 0
Here we go!!! I can see that you set yourself up to launch into the hiring practices of ATC, possibly ground handlers, or even pilots! Which insane direction do you want to launch your DEI rant in today?
John Day -2
Has the FAA been weaponized too? Time will tell.
Nooge 1
Weaponized like Mr Haney Comer and Gyms United States House Committee on Oversight and Accountability?

Will they ever release proof of a crime ?Time will tell

Dont hold you breath
Don Whyte -1
Couldn't happen to a better man.
Tim Brink -7
Biden's FAA staging ground taxi collision to generate stupid comments here..
Nothing we see today is actually what it looks like. Bad is good, right is wrong and fake is real.
C J 4
Holy shit. The award for most unhinged goes to Tim.
Suzanne Lebel -1
And here’s Biden blamer #1. I think Tim may have lost his ability to think straight.
Nooge -1
It is ByeDon

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John Taylor 6
What a stupid thing to say.
Don Whyte -1
But so true.
Nooge -3
I guess you have not paid attention to the people convicted for his insurrection

The only educated people involved were Yale grad Joggin Hawley , Harvards Lyin Ted and NY Military Boarding School for uwanted children POSOTUS
Michael Dealey 2
How come no one was charged with insurrection? You're so hopeless.
C J -1
It's only a matter of time before they accuse the airplane being a "pedo", or that the other airplane is owned by George Soros, or that God's divine power helped Cheeto's airplane to avoid serious damage.
John Taylor -4
Don't you have a baby to abort?
Nooge -4
I guess as a conned servative you don't think Cohen arranged babies to be aborted ?

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Nooge 2
TRUMP 20 24

Years in Prison
btweston 0
I think he used to be the President or something. So this might be of interest.

You are deranged, my friend. And you sound silly when you talk about others with TDS.

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lynx318 2
As true as that is, it has no place in a flight community post.
Michael Dealey 2
Where do you get your news? The View?
MJ Frank -9
"Make Flying Safe Again"... NOT
Nooge -3
Make Lying Wrong Again

ByeDon 2024


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