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Congress exempts Boeing 767 freighter from 2028 production cutoff

The FAA bill provides a nice gift for Boeing, FedEx and UPS related to 767 freighters. ( Más...

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Matt West 2
Boeing - "Unless we get exemptions, we can't manufacture anything". They got exemptions for the warning systems in the MAX when they threatened to cancel the MAX -7 and -10. They need exemptions from the USAF so the KC-46 can operate (still) without meeting the original requirements laid down back in 2011.

Oh, we want an exemption to the engine nacelle issues so we can get the -7 and -10 flying. We're just relying on the pilots to remember to turn the de-icing systems on.

And with the 777-X blowing doors out during testing (sounds like the idiots who ran the DC-10 might be running...oh that's right, they are).

The FAA/NTSB is always neutered because Congress, who are full of aviators (and yes that's sarcasm) think they know better than the experts.

Airbus and Embraer...uh, we need an exemption so we can. Actually...never mind.
Eric Kulisch 1
Interesting take


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