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Delta flight makes emergency return after exit slide separates from Boeing aircraft

"After the aircraft had safely landed [back at JFK] and proceeded to a gate, it was observed that the emergency slide had separated from the aircraft," a Delta spokesperson said in a statement to NPR Friday afternoon. ( Más...

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Ichiro Sugioka 15
33 year old plane so unlikely to be a manufacturing defect.
More likely problem with process of returning the plane from storage or a defective slide inflating on its own.
sparkie624 1
True.. that is why I noted a Maintenance Error on Installation!
Jeff Taylor 5
I was on a Delta flight this week, an Airbus, the wifi stopped working. Does that make Airbus a bad airplane manufacturer? Every little headline these days are destroying the Boeing image. No doubt they've had their issues, but this incident is clearly in Delta's lap.
matt jensen 3
Delta and third party that installed it. Not Boeing
Burke Files 4
Yep, it's Delta's error.
matt jensen 1
or Airbus
Bill Eger 3
Delta pilot friend told me “Hell, you don’t need that thing!”
dkenna 3
When you are in the spotlight for the reasons Boeing is, you have to expect any problem is going to add to that spotlight, whether related to or not. I understand how this article could seem like an attack on Boeing, but imo, it was to the point and delivered the details of the incident. If the author made no mention of the aircraft type, people would still describe their work as bad journalism for not reporting on the a/c type. Boeing has to ride this storm out and rebuild confidence in the public before any bad publicity, their fault or not, goes away.
Doug Parker 2
Doesn't the aircraft door have to be open for an emergency slide to separate from an aircraft?
Roy Castle 2
Not in some cases. This was a overwing slide attached to the fuselage which inadvertently opened
sparkie624 2
Depends on the Aircraft... Some are totally external and not necessarily related to door mechanic, Some are electrically activated and if something got out of sequence that could cause it as well. Rare, but it can happen.
Roy Castle 2
Not a Boeing problem. Maintenance or lack of is most likely the problem.
sparkie624 2
News is so bad in Aviation... Of course he had to circle.. Had to burn off fuel... NPR should get out of posting aircraft news as well as all the Main Stream Media... No one was ever in Danger, they cannot get it right because they are clueless on Aviation. This is nothing more than an article to Slam Boeing and it probably goes back to improper maintenance by Delta!

dkenna 0
Give me a break. 90% of the article was quoting officials. The rest was factual. Point out to me what was so bad about this article? Oh! I know…. It was NPR and not a conservative network posting it, so it MUST be bad. It never mentioned people being in “danger”, it never mentioned the max issues or Alaska door plug, or anything else to slam Boeing.
sparkie624 1
There are very few good Aviation Writers... Most cannot tell the difference between a Single and a Multi Engine Aircraft/
Brian Freeman 1
Consider the age generation of A&P mechanics, quality controllers, rampers, flight crew, etc. These are X,Y,Z Generations who have made no secret of their desires to place their work dedication BELOW everything else in their lives. What would you expect the reasonable outcome to be?? Every industry is impacted by this and it's only going to get worse. (You should hear the horror stories coming out of medical school these days as another example.)
Doug Parker 1
Talking about what's going into:

“Work dedication” below “everything else”


“work dedication” above “everything else”

establishes our talking about it above everything else. It examines the culture behind what quietly determined the “below-vs.-above” in those two phrases above.

It's the paradox.

It adds a layer—and a more important layer—to the discussion.

It convolutes itself, but it's begging us to examine the culture.
Gloria Johns 1
What in the hell??!!
Noyb family 0
I agree many are not concerned with doing a decent job, but many take the Aircraft Mechanic's Creed seriously. Peoples’ lives are at stake and they value life.
Unfortunately, many corporations don’t promote merit advancements so for many of these workers it’s “show up and do as little as possible” for a serious check with no incentive for the quality mechanics to care more than they already do. Hard to get excited about a job when DEI morons are ahead of them.
Roy Castle -2
True but every industry has that. There is a saying Fuck Up and Move Up
sparkie624 1
Language please... There are young eyes that come in here from time to time, and others don't want to see that anyway!
linbb -2
Sounds like a Delta problem not Boeing but hey you found a Boeing AC that had a problem, HO HUM
patrick baker -8
boeing builds deffective airliners, but once delta maintence got their hands on this latest malfunctuner, and they then cleared it for return to the flight line, boeing wqas no longer the root of the problem.
sparkie624 1
Can you post an article without posting your failed opinions with no knowledge on how these planes work. And BTW, Go back to Grammar and Spelling Class! Boeing is a proper Name and should be Capped...
dkenna 5
Wow, the irony here…


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