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Two women killed by plane while taking selfies

Two young women were hit and killed by a small aircraft as they were taking selfies by the side of a landing strip in northern Mexico, media reported on Monday (Mar 27). The victims of the grisly accident, which took place Saturday afternoon in the town of Chinipas ( Más...

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matt jensen 1
Darwin nominees
Willie Wonka 1
I agree with the questions of why the pilot would attempt a landing with a truck that near the runway. One question arises: Could the pilot have seen the girls and tried to give them a show by flying close and misjudged the clearance. A cowboy type maneuver that almost never turns out positive!
David Vega 1
The article hints taking selfies is dangerous. If there's a story in this, it should answer the questions posted by others, i.e., why did the aircraft not see the truck? Why did the pilot land with a truck so close to the strip? Why was a truck parked so close to the strip? Is the strip official?
ToddBaldwin3 3
I probably would not continue a landing with a truck that close to the runway (or dirt strip). Even if they were standing in the bed, that would put them only about one meter from the top of the cab. Too close for my comfort. This is just my opinion, based on what little information we have.
dmanuel 2
The story says they were on the bed of a truck. If so, why would a landing aircraft not see the truck? Or if one is landing and sees the truck, would you want your wing to get that close (assuming the girls were not seen)?

Davey Estes 1
Why were those ladies taking selfies in a unsafe place
Roy Hunte 0
Those kind of people are labelled 'nuts'.
mike SUT 2
Why do people even take selfies?


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