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Ryanair may abandon UK domestic market on Brexit

Speaking a day after Prime Minister Teresa May confirmed the United Kingdom would be leaving the European Single Market, and by extension the European Single Aviation Market, Sorahan said the anticipated need for a UK AOC would be considered in light of the UK domestic market's role in the carrier's overall operations. ( Más...

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Completely agree, everyone has the right to choose who they fly with, next week I am going with Easyjet to Majorca for less than £50, a few weeks ago it was Faro with Ryanair for less than £30, the point I was making was if they are not there you can't use them and do you really want to go back to any of the national carriers and their previous pricing policy ?
pat prendergast -1
Would you like to name some of these quality operators given Ryanair carry 118million passengers a year, about four times the size of BA, I do appreciate that most of the Ryanair critics never use them, This airline has changed the entire airline market for the better and frequent flyers would miss them. I am a very frequent flyer!
I have flown on them on several occasions, but given a choice I would prefer EasyJet. I do not care for some of Ryanair's policies and recognize that they have a right to create and enforce those policies. I also have the right of choosing who I fly on.
David Buck 1
Once bitten twice shy Mr prendergast !
David Buck 3
Wonder what they will do when the rest of the EU collapses
Excellent! That'll clear the way for quality operators to fill demand in an expanding market.

Standard Operating Procedure for Ryanair,,, Threats & Bulliying.
They pulled the sams stunt when Newquay Airport (NQY)introduced a Service Charge Ryanair threw their toys out of the pram.
Typical Ryanairand it's owner sensationalism


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