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FedEx 777 diverts over Pacific due to in-flight cargo fire.

Flight from Shanghai - Memphis diverts 450 km East of Tokyo. Lands safely at Haneda after fire is extinguished. ( Más...

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Ric Wernicke 3
Could it have been excess heat generated in a shipment of rice? Who is shipping rice on Fed Ex, anyhow?

Chris B 2
The Video shows a container removed from the aircraft and soaked in water. So something was clearly wrong. Good call by the Pilots.
MH370 2
mcdonobr 1
Sorry don't read whatever language your link took me too.
Mike Harbour 1
Did anybody else think "Castaway" after reading the headline? Glad everyone aboard is safe!
Sharon Carney 1
Thank God they were alright and able to land safely. Also thankful for in flight fire suppression systems. I'm pretty sure FedEx has them on the 777 which is a necessity with all the lithium ion batteries we are moving as cargo these days.
Gary Bennett 1
chalet 1
"340AR0Q45¿¿¿¿32234}}}}}}]]]"QQ@@UÁPSDR (Dammit I never passed kindergarden Japanese or Chinese, a bit of Thai but that is all).


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