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How You Lose An Airplane In The 21st Century

MORE THAN A year ago, Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared from air traffic controller scopes on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The captain, with more than 18,000 hours of flight time, gave no warning and no mayday call. ( Más...

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Martin Haisman 2
OK - Stand at the airport and watch a 777 until you can't see it anymore.

Now its up to radar (About 250M), ACARS and comms. Some airspace over oceans have areas out of reach of all of them and if you turn them off....nothing.

Fortunately for 9M-MRO the SATCOM system remained live and pinged.
devolder 1
At 2015, millions of people are able to find an iPad all over the world. Even the latest location before destroyment can be obtained in 10 seconds. But this technique seems to be too expensive for airliners ? There are hundreds of satellites capable of tracking and especially backing up gps coordinates for every flight in the world.Not the complete track, only the last 10 minutes should be backed up.
Aircraft manufacturers are not interested, too expensive ?? What's the real reason ? I think they're just not interested in any system capable of decreasing pilot error causes
Martin Haisman 1
To find a phone/iPad etc. you have to be in range of a cellphone tower. It not the aircraft manufacturers its the cost to airlines. IATA and the ICAO have mandates for installation of tracking systems around 2017 which airlines are required to have systems installed.

devolder 1
It should be an independant automatic sat tracking device, that goes on everytime the power of the aircraft comes on. Totally
Martin Haisman 1
The systems that will be installed or modified will not be able to be turned off or tampered with. There are a host of suppliers and Inmarsat already had the capability ready.

The systems in themselves are not expensive, its the downtime for each heavy aircraft for install. .
devolder 1
It should be an independant automatic sat tracking device, that goes on everytime the power of the aircraft comes on. Complete automatic, tail mounted, unreachable for the crew. Not possible to switch off.
Even wildlife in Africa, has them. They operate with satellites these systems do not have to be in close proximity to cellphone towers.
They work all over the world , even indian ocean...


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