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Incident: Air Canada B787 over Gulf of Alaska on Apr 26th 2015, hydraulic leak

An Air Canada Boeing 787-800, registration C-GHQQ performing flight AC-3 from Vancouver,BC (Canada) to Tokyo Narita (Japan), was enroute at FL360 over the Gulf of Alaska about 850nm northwest of Vancouver and about 350nm southeast of Anchorage,AK (USA) when the crew declared PAN reporting a possible hydraulic leak and decided to return to Vancouver ( Más...

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linbb 1
Seems that the smallest thing gets posted about the 787 and very seldom about all the other brands that have problems. Oh well some feel the need.

Interesting. I just read your post and before that had pretty much the same thoughts. While there are only 2 (that I am aware of A350s in service I think the test aircraft program has not faced the same issues as the 787. I am not sure that the press has just become ultra sensitive to 787 issues or whether the A350 experienced a "velvet" introduction to service.


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