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Germanwings: How Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance Systems Could Save Lives

The technology exists to physically take command away from a pilot to save an aircraft from imminent collision with the ground and is in operation with the U.S. Air Force. ( Más...

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LGM118 2
One question I have is whether such a system would still be capable of preventing these kinds of intentional CFIT incidents. For example, a pilot, aware of the particular system logic of the system, might be able to make the system "think" he's making a landing, but then at the last second drop the nose or something.

Such a system would also probably not stop a pilot from basically putting the plane into an intentional spin or stall. Basically, if a pilot wants to intentionally crash a plane, it seems like these kinds of systems would not really be that much of a barrier.
preacher1 1
I didn't know there was such a thing. Wonder how much it cost?
BaronG58 1
I have no clue on cost but I can take a guess...."BUNCHES"
joel wiley 1
How many could you buy for 4U9525's legal tab?
BaronG58 1
I read where Lufthansa has already set aside 300 million to cover cost in addition to $54,250.00 for each passenger.
linbb -2
Old news posted yesterday.
preacher1 1
Actually 2 days ago.
It's not old news to those of us who read it tonight.

preacher1 2
Well, you ought not to be so slow. LOL
frank1711 0
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

Ground Collision—Potential Versus Reality

In the wake of the deliberate crash of a Germanwings Airbus A320 on March 24 into mountainous terrain in France, NASA acknowledges that an Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto-GCAS) developed initially for military use could be adapted to commercial aircraft, but cautions that such a transition remains some way off.


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