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Video: AirNZ's final Hobbit safety video is "The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made"

Air New Zealand has shot its final Hobbit safety video, and it's an epic clip which is fittingly titled "The Most Epic Safety Video Ever Made" - starring Elijah Wood (Frodo Baggins), Dean O’Gorman (Fili the Dwarf) and Sylvester McCoy (Radagast). ( Más...

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jcsjcs 1
The air safety video I like best so far was one on some Chinese airline. They had 10 year olds pose as flight attendants and give the safety speech. Their gestures and facial expressions were captivating. That was the first time in a long time that I actually watched.
andy streit 1
Absolutely fantastic!
Ken Lane 1
This is great!

But, they don't tell you anything about choosing your favorite child to secure an oxygen mask to first after your own.

A Sellitto 6
There should be an special Academy Award for this one.
sharon bias 1
Everyone I've twitted the video to has loved it. GREAT marketing device.
sparkie624 5
Nice Videos... the way to get people to pay attention is to making it exciting... And the 2 Female Flight Attendants... Nice... Nothing more needs to be said.. Great Job to the production team and script writers.


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