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Miami’s Six Hour Immigration Line Disaster

Clearing immigration at Miami International Airport is usually not bad, but more and more instances have popped up where immigration line wait times are stretching beyond the two hour mark. ( Más...

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Mark Segal 15
Thanks for the heads-up. I've traveled extensively throughout the "third-world" and never encountered this extent of delay at immigration. The worst I did encounter was at Heathrow Airport in London where even with a "Fast Track" pass it took over an hour to gain entry to the UK. These systems are badly over-stretched and under-manned in a number of countries. The best defense a traveler has is to avoid those pressure points as much as feasible or have the kind of travel pass that allows one to skirt around the line-ups..
Bill Overdue 20
Welcome to the soon to be newest, Third World country... USA

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ernie vroom 6
ha ha you must be blue even a site like this cannot escape the problems you caused and spported

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Tim Dyck 2
Please let’s try to have civil discussions on this site. If all you can do is name call and insult there are plenty of places that cater to that. May I suggest Twitter or Facebook?
SkyAware123 2
They don't come much dumber than this sheep.
Stone Barrington 1

Bill Overdue -4
Wow, you're a funny guy! Not very bright, but funny! Sometimes, that's all that matters when your hammered!
boughbw 5
Red staters seem to not like being that which they describe in slandering others.

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SkyAware123 -1
another dumb ass sheep.
Bill Overdue -2
Hilarious. Low IQ comment. I'm pretty sure your Kool-Aid has something else in it. Maybe pure grain alcohol?
N710VE 0
Ian Berry 9
I went through this agony on 4th April. i even had the new CBP App but no indication where to use it and only 2 staff on duty. 40 booths in the hall, Only 3 manned for Non-US citizens. 5 international flights arrived in one hour....
mimana 4
It is still bad today. Arriving from Europe in the afternoon could mean long lines. Between 3 pm and 7 pm, the bulk of European flights stretch the capacity of the custom and immigration services. Early in the morning, the South American arrival go thru the same ordeal.
Ron Slater 13
My Global Entry is a life saver. I went through MIA from the Bahamas and got through in about 2 mins
CBP is stretched pretty thin these days.
Alan Glover 0
Thank the current WH for that.
boughbw 2
The WH? The WH agreed to a proposal to strengthen border security and pour money into CBP negotiated by a very conservative Republican Senator... only to see the Republican House of Representatives trash the bill at Trump's request. The only people less competent than the Republicans in office are the Republicans in the electorate.
Bill Overdue 5
So dense, the "partisan "deal was to allow 5,000 illegals every DAY to walk in before ANY questions were asked! That's still nearly 2 million illegals I have to pay for. Facts matter, even from those who want to destroy this country! Try harder.
SkyAware123 0
give me a break. the white house will sabotage ANY effort to help border patrol. Een when they do agree they will simply not execute it. thugs.
ernie vroom 0
Are you for real? or from China
Bill Overdue -1
Pfft... ask one of the 37,000+ Chinese foreign nationals, the vast majority men, ages 18-35 who simply walked into this country from Mexico! At least act like you give a damn about America, if not ... just leave!

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Bill Overdue 11
Name 1 thing Biden has done to make your life better? Just one! Give him credit, just 1 thing!
SkyAware123 2
I am wiating too....
Bill Overdue 3
Still waiting for just ONE thing Biden has done to improve your life and wallet! Just one!
Bill Overdue 1
Still waiting! Trump Derangement Syndrome "TDS" is alive and well! The Left bitches and moans about Trump, but cannot name ONE damn thing Biden has done to improve their lives! Pathetic!
SkyAware123 -3
creepy joe and his thugs at work. Or I should say not at work.
mark warchol -1
From what I see on their website, they are hiring, and they are desperate to say the least to fill positions because so many people have retired and not to mention they just need more employees!.
Miami airport is a disaster in general. Nothing works. The trains, trams, elevators and escalators are consistently broken. The elevators are broken so often there are permanent placards directing you to others that MIGHT be working.
Randall Howard 2
Just got back from a Caribbean cruise today. Clearing customs / immigration was just a facial scan, with no delay even to show a passport. Just shows that there are ways to expedite the process if they really wanted to
Chris B 4
And I though Heathrow was a 90 minute disaster before they opened up electronic entry gates 2-3 years ago.
Fred Heasley 1
Have only read two posts and is this an aviation site or political? Will discontinue with flightaware if people are allowed to score stupid points against each other. No wonder it has got to this when a former president made remarks about people and still does. God help America.
paul patten 16
You are complaining about it and doing it yourself.
Doug Haviland 5
Sadly it’s almost unavoidable under current circumstances.
Michael Cole 3
Hypocrite much?
Alan Glover 7
Politics is even present in your own house. Aviation is important enough to discuss the reasons for any problems within it.

And if we're being picky, this story has to do with immigration, not aviation. ;)
ernie vroom 3
Tim Dyck 1
And here you are complaining about the site being taken over by politics and then bringing up a politician.
SkyAware123 -1
Because it is political, caused by demento joe and his puppetmasters.
Tim Dyck 0
I don’t think Joe is making any decisions anymore. He’s just there to fill the seat wile his handlers run the country.
The USA has over 350 million citizens and the best they can get for Presidential Candidates is a guy with dementia and an asshole. Come on America you can do better!
boughbw -6
Let's be clear: the former president only made it "acceptable" for people to publicly express their bigotry. They were bigots all along. It just used to be that even Republicans recognized being overtly bigoted was a bad enough at least for electoral purposes. Now they've embraced it as their platform.
SkyAware123 1
Lets be clear: the current corpse in the white house has made it perfectly clear that anti-semitism is perfectly ok now. Hatred/threatening of jews is ok now. violence against jews is ok now. The nazi's would welcome him with open arms. OR should I say his puppetmaster would be welcomed with open arms by the nazi's. This guy can't even read from a teleprompter anymore (pause)..
ernie vroom -1
You just proved the point Well done left of left
N710VE -2
Fred has pin ups of Rosie ODonnel in his basement…
Charles Henry 1
MIA is the worst! LAX is bad but shines as a beacon of efficiency when compared to MIA
Won't be travelling to Miami.
Jim Dawson 1
MIA is a disaster everywhere, even for domestic flights. Best answer is to build a New airport and bulldoze the old one.

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Dave Parks 9
Moderator needs to delete this entire post as it pure politics and not aviation
jmilleratp 6
There are no Moderators on this site. As everyone here knows.
You do of course have the option to not read it.....
Tim Dyck 1
LOL your border is open to anyone who isn’t a citizen of the USA. And sadly up here in Canada we have the same problem because the same people are running both countries through incompetent leaders. At least your’s has an excuse because he’s old and suffering dementia. Ours is just plain old fashion stupid! But neither are actually capable of running their countries.
dkenna -4
Ding ding ding!!!! Stupidest comment so far goes to……. Congrats!
jmilleratp 11
Hey, if you're in favor of all the migrants, you take them into your home and feed them, clothe them and house them. But you won't. Because you're you.
Yep! As for me, if they are in my home we have "Stand your ground" and we can dispatch them rapdily.
Alan Glover 5
And ot's illegals, not migrants.
It's accurately written in tne law.
boughbw -7
The law provides for claims of asylum triggering advance parole into the US pending an adjudication of their request. People claiming asylum are not here illegally.
Democrats have requested that the law be changed, Republicans refuse to do so.
Democrats are enforcing the law as written, Republicans knowingly lie in saying they are not.
Trump lost repeatedly in court trying to say that he had the power to do whatever he wanted. It wasn't even close -- it was something like 1 for 25 cases before the Supreme Court where he actually prevailed.
Bill Overdue 2
Are you high? Trump had "remain in Mexico". In other words, illegals stayed in Mexico until their asylum was adjudicated! In most cases they were denied! Now our border is being overrun with illegals, Chinese forgoing Nationals and whomever the hell else wants to come in. Keep and eye out for bombs, electrical grid outages, water contamination, murders and all kind of mayhem in the coming days. Which will be blamed on Trump by the way!
dkenna 0
Yeah, as if you know me.
Alan Glover 3
We do in the context of this discussion.
Randy Brown 2
NIMBY who think liberalism/communism is great for the whole world.
Except their neighborhoods.
It “ compassionate “
Bill Overdue -2
C'mon, I know your kind, we all do!
Randy Brown 5
There is none so blind as he who refuses to see.
jmilleratp -4
The number of migrants being flown through our airports has gone up considerably. The article gave no cause about why Immigration lines are like this. But, after what I have seen on the news about Miami, I wouldn't be surprised that the flow of migrants is what is affecting them. Even if it is because their staffing is being strained.
dkenna 3
Such a crazy thing to think; foreigners in an airport. I can’t wrap my mind around that. What are they doing there??? Lets get the finest scientists to figure this one out. Hopefully we’ll get to the bottom of this.

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Mike InPA 1
So now illegal aliens are arriving undocumented on international flights to Miami? How does that work?

Bill Overdue -2
Pretty simple, Biden buys tickets, they show up! They don't have to show ID. They catch connection to "sanctuary city", given $2k credit card, iPhone with 4 apps that tell them where to stay, eat and sleep. Then told we're working on a Social Security card, so you can vote in '24 election!
Mike InPA 3
That explanation is simply wrong. You can't enter the country on any flight without identification. You can't get on any flight without an ID. And you DON'T need a social security card to vote. You NEED to be a citizen. You really need to analyze where you get your information from.
N710VE 0
Mike InPA 0
Really? You want a source for not being able to board a plane and entering the US without an ID. Go troll somewhere else.
They do not want the votes. The population count of EVERYONE, legal and not legal is what decides the electoral college.
Bill Overdue -4
Yes, they do want votes. The electoral college aspect of this is a few steps beyond the simple fact that if "a certain number of new people located in a particular location" requires more "representation" in the House of Representatives. That's what Obama did to get Ilhan Omar into the House... imported 55,000+ Somalis in 3 years. The same is happening now. Democrats want power in perpetuity.
Alan Glover -2
We're talking unnecessary volume, SloJo.
Bill Overdue -4
30-35,000 illegals per month are being flown directly to Democrat precients in swing States, mainly Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa and Pennsylvania from mainly Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Democrats are hoping to get all of these illegals Social Security numbers by election day, and probably will succeed. Their goal is to remain in power in perpetuity. So yes, several airport hubs are jam packed. I've seen hundreds of illegals behind a full length curtain in ORD.
It's worse than that. DHS data from Jan to Aug 2023 show that 80% of roughly 200k illegal aliens flown into the US under Resident Biden's "CHNV" mass parole program - so, 160k of 200k illegals - were flown into FLORIDA, into Miami, Ft Laud, Orlando, and Tampa.
Bill Overdue 0
Yep, then transferred to ORD, MSP, DRW among a few others ... then bused and disseminated the illegals into "weak" Democrat precients! This is EXACTLY what Obama did to put Illhan Omar into the House.
Mike InPA 1
If your premise of flooding Blue States with immigrants is truly a Democratic ploy, why are Red States like Florida and Texas sending buses and planes filled with immigrants to New York, Illinois, Michigan, New Mexico, Iowa and Pennsylvania and other Blue States?
N710VE 0
You cannot be this clueless Mike InPa.
Mike InPA 1
Then please answer my question and enlighten me N7.
Mike InPA 0
I'm waiting for your enlightenment ... crickets
Mike InPA 1
Having a Social Security Number does not make you eligible to vote. You need to be a US Citizen.

You do need a Social Security Number to work, whether or not you are a US Citizen.
N710VE 2
Mike InPA 2
"Social Security numbers (SSN) are used to report a person’s wages to the government and to determine a person’s eligibility for Social Security benefits. You need an SSN to get a job, collect Social Security benefits, and receive some other government services. If you’re temporarily in the United States to work, your employer will ask for your SSN."
Mike InPA 2
"All States require that you be a United States citizen by birth or naturalization to register to vote in federal and State elections."

"If you do not have an Alabama driver’s license or nondriver identifcation card, you must provide the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you have not been issued any of these numbers you must write the word “NONE” and a unique identifer will be provided for you."

You can research the rest yourself.
Bill Overdue -1
You are waaaay behind the reality of what's ALREADY happening in this country! Waaaaay behind!
Mike InPA 1
Facts matter. Not your opinions.
N710VE -2
Fact… Trump won.
Mike InPA 1
Source? (Troll)
Alan Glover -9
Down voting a fact is VERY political. Millions of illegals are encouraged to flood into the country (no other would allow such a volume) to effect elections. There is no other explanation.
the 6 hour wait an airport has is because of illegals on the planes??? thanks for telling everybody how stupid you are. Millions of illegals? too bad the GOP house decided trying fix the issue will only help Biden. Nope can't have that. Today's GOP authoritarian politics is more important than this country.
jmilleratp -1
Miami was specifically shown as an airport where TSA lines were long because migrants were being flown to different parts of the country from there. When you strain one part of the system, the rest of it becomes strained. And, like some of the articles put on this site, no reason was given as to why the long wait happened. So, it is natural to speculate. Why don't you take these migrants into your home and house them, clothe them and feed them if they mean so much to you?
SkyAware123 -6
god you're an idiot.
Mike InPA 1
You people are freaking insane!
N710VE 1
Just you basement dweller.
Bill Overdue 1
The explanation is "The Left wants to remain in power in perpetuity".. it will be difficult to explain how Biden wins with CNN reporting Trumo is leading by double digits! Simple, they'll stop counting when Trump is leading by 225,000 votes in a Blue State, and when they come back on line in 4 hours, Biden will be leading by 150,000 votes! Even though it's statically impossible, it happened! Similarly, why does it take 11 days to count votes in ONE Arizonas Mariocopa County, when "Dancing with The Stars" tabulated 75,000,000 in 120 seconds! Or when a PowerBall winner is identified from 3B tickets, where the time, day, and address of the store where the ticket was bought! Many Democrats are a stunning example of hypocrisy!
I suspect that the long delays are way less impacted for US citizens returning from outside the US and that they occur at peak times of travel like early mornings.

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RECOR10 -2
If I identify as Guatimallan, can I get a free phone and keep my number?
Alan Glover -5
Guatemalan but yeah.
dkenna -3
Oh yeah? Like what?
bbabis -6
Paid cell phones, healthcare, welfare, rent subsidies or outright free rent, SNAP cards, and the freedom to pursue their criminal activities under the protection of democrat DAs. What's not to love?
ToddBaldwin3 7
You are incorrect on many counts.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement does give some immigrants phones. However, they can only access an app called SmartLink, which is used to monitor immigrants after they cross the border, according to the agency, the company that makes the phones and an immigration expert. The devices are not connected to a cellular network and cannot be used to browse the internet, make unauthorized phone calls, or access apps other than SmartLink.

Medicaid, ACA is restricted to US Citizens and documented, legal residents. Rent subsidies, or free rent is not a benefit provided by the Federal Government, and the freedom to be criminals because of democratic district attorneys is merely an opinion.
Alan Glover 2
Are "sanctuary" cities an opinion? You may be reciting written law but since when do democrats care about that?
False. I assure you that MANY illegals have Medicaid (pregnant ones). Many of the others use fake documents (well, real, some not theirs) to get medical care. When payments (to me) are later denied we are told we need to be more careful about identifying patients - for whom we are not allowed to deny treatment to...and, to me, most of the illegals look alike. Yes, I profie.
dkenna -8
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Booohooooo. Nothing but complaints from you morons, yet the left is full of “snowflakes”. Biden is a criminal blah blah blah. Immigration blah blah blah. Law and order, blah blah blah. Open your eyes FFS. All you can do is regurgitate vile bullshit from OAN and Fox. If I could hand immigrants fists full of cash in front of all you it would only be to gratifying. Take your hypocrite ass elsewhere.
bbabis 5
Wow, off your meds I see. 🤣😂

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Alan Glover 2
Better than the Abraham Accords (which if you are paying attention, the current SoS is pursuing), Justice Reform, highest employment for blacks and hispanics ever (50 year high for women), no wars, Putin contained, first open diplomatic relations w the Norks, energy independence, upgraded military, full strategic oil reserve, contained border, etc?

TDS is apparently a permanent condition.
Alan Glover -3
It's these bozos so disconnected from reality that think only Trump voters are affected by the invasion.

Why are they coming and from areas on the globe not predisposed to ANY American. Do you think any of the illegals murdering US citizens stop and ask what their victim's political affiliations are?
Mike InPA 0
Relative to undocumented immigrants, U.S.-born citizens are over 2 times more likely to be arrested for violent crimes, 2.5 times more likely to be arrested for drug crimes, and over 4 times more likely to be arrested for property crimes.
N710VE 2
Fake information. Don’t believe anything coming out of this government. Bet you think Jan 6th was really an insurrection too.
SkyAware123 1
Not buying it for one second. fyi: they are ILLEGAL ALIENS.
Go look up what illegal means. None of you clowns gets it.
Bill Overdue 1
Huh? They're ILLEGAL ALIENS! You guys, THe Left in general, just gloss over the facts. How about this one! If the illegal alien WASN'T in America, the girl in Georgia wouldn't be DEAD? Or the cops in NYC would have been nearly beaten to death, only to be released by a Soros sympathizer! You drag out facts about how "less likely" .... how about ZERO CHANCE if they weren't here? Try harder!
Wow, TDS much? I do love Kevin Oleary's comments yesterday. As the owner (and managing director) of a healthcare facility(s) - we are VERY careful not never, not ever hire registered Democrats (more so, MD level - we had one, she lasted under a week). Kevin is right....these idiots are putting themselves on the wrong side of history. You joining them?
"my company discriminates against registered democrats and we are proud of it"
Bill Overdue 0
You sound like a type of guy that would crash a plane into a mountainside for a personal cause or allow your kids to protest at college for terrorist's while I have to pay for their tuition even though the Supreme Court said it was illegal by the Biden Administration to do so? Ya, you kinda sound like that guy!
Bill Overdue -2
Well now ... it's obvious who you are! Of course I knew all along!
Alan Glover 1
It's sweet when you meet folks who trust the government, especially one so intent on managing every aspect of your lives.
I bet you support anti-abortion laws. now that's managing every aspect of a tax paying women's lives .

Libertarians like you are pick and choose. Hypocrites.
Bill Overdue 0
Nope, a woman can kill a baby anytime she wants, as long as the State she lives in says it's OK! Pretty simple! DIMMS like you are for infanticide, cocks in pools competing with women, free trans conversions, millions upon millions of illegal aliens, corrupt George Soros DA's, HUNDREDS of BILLIONS to fund Ukrainian genocide instead of a negotiated peace, me paying for you kid's tuition when I paid for mine myself or supporting BLM/Antifa to burn down major cities and kill the opposition supporters! The list of DIMM policy failures are LOOOOONG! Wise up!
RECOR10 -2
I got to wonder. See, some of us on this site own personal aircraft...some of us own our own airports....some of us own our own airport neighborhoods....others, many others are at the pointy end of commercial flights....what are you? I have a feeling a dreamer, at best.
Alan Glover 0
Current events, tax policy, politics and the economy effect everyone regardless.
Alan Glover -4
Again, downvoting an ipso facto truth is not helpful.
boughbw 0
Yes, but downvoting reactionary xenophobia that are you deluded enough to believe resembles reality is fun and obligatory.
Bill Overdue 0
Overlooking the asinine corruption in the White House is far worse! Don't you agree? How could you not, is the real question!
avionik99 -4
Perhaps like the FAA does to the airlines they need to start fining this airport for long delays like this. Make them give large sums of money to the people they have delayed after so long.
Greg S 12
What part of those long lines do you thing the airport controls? This is entirely a staffing issue of CBP, i.e. the federal government.
Alan Glover -2
You mean like we do now to illegals gumming up airports, hotels, jail cells (for as long as they're held) and getting more money and healthcare than our own vets?
mark warchol 0
Ridiculous to say the least!
His Miami become a Third World country all of a sudden?
Why is customs in border patrol so understaffed at Miami international airport?
D. W. -4
Like The Everglades to the west, Miami (the entire metropolitan area, not just the municipality called "Miami,"itself) has its own invasive species, and has, for decades (just like The 'Glades). The practical effects are the same, whether among lesser-order animals or humans...
N710VE 0
I love this thread.
Mike InPA -1
Until you provide some substance to your obvious trolling, I'm not responding to your crap anymore.
N710VE 2
I think Mikey is triggered. Biden’s next campaign stop needs some attendees if you can help him out…
Tim Dyck 1
And yet you responded to it.
Troll 1
Mike 0
it'all ready here
I last used Miami as a connection 15 years ago . USA has no international "transit" option . So never again . I see it has not changed so bibi USA , I'll transit via Havana in future
Juan Jimenez -9
Get rid of all the lazy Cubans and I bet things will move faster. Or just tell them if they don't get their act together all the Cuban restaurants in the airport will be closed and they won't be allowed to bring food from home. That'll fix things lickety-split.
boughbw 1
You realize that as an international airport, MIA clears incoming passengers for all subsequent destinations no matter where they might have come from, right? Or is your anti-Cuban sentiment strong enough to maintain that Cubans are to blame for everyone else being delayed as well?
N710VE -1
The “Cuban mindset” within the CBP is not to be helpful, but instead advance the notion through their actions that “they have to be reckoned with”. That is how the Cubans impede what otherwise could be a smooth flow through immigration. I’ve been through Miami’s immigration facility at least 200 times.
boughbw 0
The C in CBP means "Customs," not "Cuban."


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