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FAA to prohibit many flight operations due to risk of ‘5G’ wireless interference
The Federal Aviation Administration has issued a sweeping order essentially prohibiting aircraft, including large jets, from using certain landing and navigation systems in areas of potential interference from new “5G” cellular networks. ( More...Sort type: [Top] [Newest]
Ya think the FAA AND FTC could have seen this coming and developed a different approach.. there goes Cat3 approaches.
You probably meant "FCC"
Superficially it seems that using 3700-3800 Mhz is still far enough away from 4200-4400 Mhz to preclude interference and I don't see there being any problem with harmonics. Even the top end of the new 5G spectrum - 3950 Mhz still seems usable without problems at 4200-4400 Mhz, especially as cell signals seem to be quite clean and precise.
Any idea what the big push for 5G us all about? Is it really necessary?
Streaming movies and TV would be my guess.
The Big Push, HUGE push actually, is about profit.
Your first word superficially gives it away. For those who actually read the FAA reports you would see there are out of band emissions. You may be blissfully unaware about volumes of potential 5G c band radiation in places like Newark NJ, with a 10 lane New Jersey turnpike running parallel to the main runways / approaches