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Qatar Airways says goodbye to Boeing 747 freighter

UPS is getting two young planes that are less then 11 years old. ( Más...

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siriusloon 4
Ten and seven years old are indeed "less than 11" but most people who know anything about aviation know that total flying hours and the total number of takeoffs and landings (aka cycles) are far more important metrics than chronological age. If an airline routinely slams its aircraft onto runways, even a four-year-old aircraft could be in worse shape than a 20-year-old one. Lots of short sectors compared with only long ones are another major consideration. Year of manufacture is well down the list for aircraft that are flown and maintained well.
Eric Kulisch 6
Good point siriusloon. But I would say these are 747s operating long-haul routes from Doha to Europe, Asia and maybe North America, so they weren't hopping up and down several times a day.
Chris B 2
Plenty of potential buyers for these assuming they have been well looked after and flown.


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