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American Bets on 737 MAX With New Order

The airline announced an order for 260 narrowbody aircraft, including Boeing's yet-to-be-certified 737 MAX 10. ( Más...

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Chris B 3
On the face of it, American is doing what United now wishes it had done.

That is not putting all its eggs in one basket. American's decision to buy both the Neo and M10, will give it scheduling flexibility allowing it to swap one aircraft type for another should the need arise.
Matt West 1
Not really. The A3 Neo line has never had anything close to the issues the MAX has. UA and AS both bet the farm on an aircraft that was years behind and plagued with issues. Indeed, AA is buying an aircraft that still isn’t certified, and likely won’t be anytime soon.

I suspect Boeing offered a huge discount on these. Why else would you buy a less capable aircraft that still can’t fly when you have the world’s largest A321 CEO/NEO fleet in the world?


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