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Birthday ‘Bomb’ Joke Lands JetBlue Passenger In Jail

A JetBlue passenger celebrating his birthday got an all-expenses paid trip to jail after making a “bomb” joke on his transcon flight to San Francisco. ( Más...

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sparkie624 15
Making A Bomb Joke is no Bomb... As a matter of fact using the B word on a plane is nowhere near acceptable. I was working a plane (had a avionics issue and just signing off. A Passenger was tired of waiting (guess he didn't want a safe plane to fly in) and yelled out at the top of his Lungs. "If you all don't get this plane out of here, I am going to blow this bomb!"... Everyone was evacuated, Aircraft was towed to a secure area, and bomb crews came through to check the plane. All that guy got out of it was a trip down town and an appointment with the local authorities and A Nice Sure place to spend the next 10 years with a lot other people around them!
21voyageur 6
Stupid is as stupid does. What an ()*()
Kevin Heath 3
Stupidity knows no bounds. Happy Birthday...idiot.
Ellen Little 3
Joking about something like that is not taken lightly and the fool deserves whatever the authorities decide to do about it!
sparkie624 2
If he doesn't learn anything else from that, I bet he knows Joking about is not taken as a Joke or even close!
Not funny at all.
Rather Than listening to his birthday wishes and enjoying the cake , he should have kept his “ Tongue prisoner “
TSA were not willing to sing For him .
Be respectful and responsible Man .
This jerk deserves to spend several YEARS behind bars....this really is like yelling Fire in a movie house.
sparkie624 2
Worse in my opinion!
Greg S 2
"So anyway, it's my birthday and I'm on an airplane, and I make a bomb joke! Hilarious, right? And I get arrested! Folks, I'm here all day ... because I'm in jail!"

I love the dedication of this comic.
Stephen Ross 2
In my 30 odd years with TWA we had TWO separate incidents where we removed a passenger from the aircraft! The last one in 1997. Things have certainly changed!!! I loved my job but glad I am not flyIng in this enviornment. SAD!!
“I’m a bombardier. Bomb bomb bomb, bombing bomb bomb bomb!” - Nurse Gaylord “Greg” Focker
Mike Williams 1
Some people (like me) learn in the school of hard knocks to put themselves in the paranoid deal. After 4 months my legal mistake was dismissed. Parking and time fees were paid. The Prosecution Office decides if the defense office gets to work. This dumb guy had a private lawyer at >$1000.
WhiteKnight77 1
I do not really need to read the story to know that one should not be making such jokes. Here's to a couple of years in the gray bar hotel. :cheers:
avionik99 1
He was charged with making a false bomb threat.
So it's ok to make a bomb threat if it's real?
Just the way writers word things sometimes......
Roger Anderson 6
Take it up with the lawmakers if you don't like the wording. That's the charge and is covered by its own statute in Florida

"False reports concerning planting a bomb, explosive, or weapon of mass destruction in, or committing arson against, state-owned property, or concerning the use of firearms in a violent manner; penalty; reward"

If it were real, they would be covered by another statute.
kinda like yelling "FIRE" in a movie theater
sparkie624 1
Worse... there is less room to move around meaning more people can get hurt!
Greg S 2
"So it's ok to make a bomb threat if it's real?"

No, but that's a different and more serious crime.
sparkie624 5
If you know it is there, then yes, it would be ok... But if you are the one who sat it there, then there are even bigger penalties... So you have a choice... Big Legal Problems, or Massively Big Legal Problems and Room and Board provided for you with Meals in a very secure locations with lots of other people there for various reasons!
Peter Matonis 0
“Not a joke, man.”


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