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Boeing Faces 90-Day Deadline for Action Plan Addressing Quality Control Issues

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has assigned Boeing 90 days to come up with a plan to fix quality problems and meet safety standards for the production of new planes, less than two months after a door plug blew out of a 737 MAX, nine minutes into an Alaska Airlines flight. ( Más...

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jmilleratp 7
Look for their Action Plan at about the 89 Day and 23 Hour Mark.
Nick Lutwyche 2
Boeing is reported today as being in discusion with Spirit about re-acquiring Spirit " bring Spirit under the umbrella of Boeing quality systems".
Bill Overdue 2
That's hilarious!
Chris Muncy 1
Alternate Link:
Bill Overdue 0
Large companies keep these type of documents tucked away for a rainy day. One for safety, one for efficiency, one for productivity and one for the shareholders. They drag'em out once in a while to show the "government acronym" seeking the information they are serious about whichever document is relevant to the situation!


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