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Southwest Airlines Launches Venture Firm for Sustainable Aviation Fuel, $30 Million Investment in Fuel Producer LanzaJet

Southwest Airlines announced the launch of Southwest Airlines Renewable Ventures (SARV), a subsidiary focused on helping the airline achieve its sustainability goals by obtaining sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). Southwest also announced a $30 million investment in sustainable fuel technology company and producer LanzaJet. ( Más...

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matt jensen 2
I dunno about SWA making an investment in that plant but the US govt set up that program in 2016 to produce the fuel. The plant has been in existence for years as Freedom Pine
in Soperton, GA.\
sparkie624 1
Will see what kind of crazy stunt they have cooking this time... Seems sometime back they were looking into Vertical seating to cattle herding more people in the plane all in the name of more bucks... Bad Airline all the way around!
Chris Muncy 1
From the source:
Thomas Craig 1
what is your favorite airline sparkie624
sparkie624 1
Now days, I really don't have one... It was Piedmont Airlines back in the day, but when UselessAir purchased them, they fell off a cliff. The only one worse than USAir (Now American) is SouthWest! Now days, if I fly, it is in my own plane!


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