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£3 Million Immigration Scam: British Airways Manager Flees After Visa Fraud

A 24-year-old British Airways manager at London Heathrow Airport (LHR) stands accused of running a £3 million ($3.8 million) immigration scam, allegedly exploiting the airline's check-in systems to assist passengers in bypassing security without visas or proper documentation. The suspect, whose name has yet to be released, is currently on the run in India after being arrested and released on bail in January. ( Más...

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mbrews 4
From another site -.."Canadian authorities noticed a pattern of BA flights arriving FROM HEATHROW at Toronto or Vancouver, where passengers would immediately claim asylum. Closer inspection revealed a startling common denominator: all these passengers had been checked in by the same British Air individual at Heathrow, who falsely verified that the travelers had an Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA) necessary for entry to Canada.

.. An eTA can only be sought by a passenger in their country of origin. And would normally be rejected without the fraudulent intervention of this airline official. The scam went on for years, demonstrating the sophisticated methods they used to bypass immigration controls. "

Reportedly, the BA scammer pocketed a "per-passenger fee" of 25,000 British pounds( $ 31,000 USD )
ken young 2
Yeah. without a passport, I can't cross into Canada due to stupid post 9/11 rules. But if an illegal alien (fake papers) arrives in Canada by air, they roll out the welcome mat.
This is a manager at age 24???
ken young 3
Progressive soft on crime policies are the reason why the UK authorities are chasing this guy to another continent. Should have been remanded to jail until trial. Now, the UK will never get this criminal back for trial
Greg S 1
Or maybe the magistrate followed proper procedures in granting bail.
1) The scam has been in operation for years, and all with the aid of the same BA airline official.
2) The official is only 24 years old, and already a BA manager

No wonder he was a manager - he clearly had years of experience behind him since he began working full time for BA shortly after his 14th birthday !!!

Is this another case of the reported, and the reality, being miles apart?


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