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U.S. Senate Committee Moves to Reject Pilot Retirement Age Hike

The Senate Commerce Committee voted 14-13 to reject a proposal raising the airline pilot retirement age to 67. ( Más...

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Bill Overdue 8
Hmm, A person with 8-10,000+ hrs experience in the air for a couple of more years is "dangerous", while an 81 yr old "man" in charge of the free World who talks to dead foreign leaders is ok? Something is terribly wrong!
btweston -7
You got a problem with the constitution?
matt jensen 1
Yes, the retirement ages should be for everyone, not just some
sparkie624 4
I don't think it should age, it should be based on Cognitive Skills. I know 90 year olds with more brains and capability than some 40 year olds. Only difference, the 90 Year old still wants to work where most 40 and younger want disability and someone else to pay there bills.
sparkie624 1
I also think that Biden would have retired from Public while still in congress as we was losing it then as well. How many of you would like to have Biden in the Cockpit... But keep in mind he is in the Cockpit of our Entire Nation!
sparkie624 1
UGH... I hate we cannot edit Our post.. Typo.. "would" was supposed to be "should".. Dam Spell Check!
Greg S 2
Also, "Public", "Cockpit", "Entire", and "Nation" should not be capitalized.
Bill Overdue 0
None at all, do you? Give "us" one coherent reason why The 25th Amendment should not be enacted?
Jon Duncan 3
Age discrimination.
onjuku20 1
At my airline, we had Captains bid the engineer seat after passing 65 years old. I have had two separate occasions where 70 year old Flight Engineers have flamed out an engine because of simple mistakes. 65 years old is too old. I retired at 60 with no regrets.
Bayouflier 5
I'm happy for you that you had no regrets. I was forced to retire at 65 but wasn't done flying, and am still moving a Challenger around the country at 68. It's all a matter of what's between your ears now, isn't it?
sparkie624 3
I had a friend in a Challenger and 767 Corporate version flying until he was 73 with no issues. He stopped flying at 73 as he felt he was starting to lose his touch. We was a great Pilot. He was on here much before he passed away... For those of you who have been around for more than 10 years may remember "Preacherman". He was a great Pilot and a Great Personal Friend.


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