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United Air Drops Largest 737 Max From Plan After Boeing Missteps

United Airlines Holdings Inc. is no longer counting on Boeing Co.’s largest 737 Max model as the planemaker’s manufacturing miscues threaten to further delay an aircraft already years behind schedule. While the carrier hasn’t canceled its order for the Max 10, United has removed it from its internal plans, Chief Executive Officer Scott Kirby said Tuesday. The company will “be working on what that means exactly with Boeing,” he said. ( Más...

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Matt West 6
They already have the A321XLR on order and plenty of pilots trained on the A319/A320. As they all require just a single cert rating, I wouldn't be surprised if they upped their A321 order at the expense of the MAX -10.

They also have to consider that the certification for the -10 may be pushed back further now because of the increased scrutiny caused by the -9 incident. How long can a company wait for airframes that it desperately needs with no end in sight.
jmilleratp 3
I can't think of a more troubled aircraft program since the DC-10. Boeing needs to eject all senior executives that had anything to do with the MAX program and start with an entirely new team. The CEO needs to go too. When you're captain of the ship, you go down with the ship. They then need to go from top to bottom through the program and root out any and all problems.


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